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[Zayn’s POV]

“Guys stop it,” I whimpered as my supposed ‘friends’ all laughed at me. They sneered and jeered after I had gathered them at my house to tell them my big news. I thought they would all be excited for me, but turns out; they were nothing but a bunch of pricks about the whole thing.

“Malik, are you serious right now?” My friend Billy said through his laughs. “That is so gay!”

I felt my cheeks blushing up as they all high-fived and walked out of my house. I felt tears threaten to spill over my eyes, but I wouldn’t let that happen. I refused to cry. I am so done wearing my heart on my sleeve.

I wiped my nose on my sleeve, hoping the snot would stop running, but it didn’t which just grossed me out. I sat up and hugged my knees to my chest. You see, I had just told my friends I was going to be trying out for the x-factor, but they all laughed at me.

I sat in my bedroom for a while longer before bounding down the stairs, almost running into my mum.

“Zayn! Sweetheart, I was wondering if you wanted to have some dinner before we start discussing things about tomorrow,” she said, smiling sweetly at me. I felt like I was going to throw up. I shook my head and she frowned.

“I’m not going,” I said as I went over to the kitchen, looking in the pots at what she had cooked.

“What do you mean you’re not going Zayn?”

“I mean I’m not trying out for the X-Factor?”

“B-But you’ve been waiting for this for a year now!”

“Actually, it was your idea mum,” I said with a shrug. “Besides I can barely sing anyways.”

“Zayn, your voice is simply gorgeous. I know you really don’t think that! I’ve heard you sing multiple of times. You don’t have a voice teacher, which makes you even more impressionable,” my mum said smiling up at me.


“Please Zayn! For your mother!”

“Mum, you can’t force me to go!” I said, slamming the cupboard I was looking through. “Look, I love you, dad, and the girls, but I’m just not ready. I’m too nervous. I can’t put myself through that.”

“Are you sure Zaynie?”

“I’m positive mum,” I said with a sigh.

“Alright,” she said as she pulled me into a hug. “I just want you to know, I am proud of you.”

“Um why?”

“Well, uh, that’s what I was going to say after your audition, but considering you didn’t audition, I’ll just say it here.”

“Mum, you’re so weird.”

“I’m not weird! I can be cool!”

“Sure you can mom,” I said with a smirk as I rolled my eyes.

[Niall’s POV]

“Oh my gosh, we made it through!” I yelled with my new bandmates.

Harry, who was quite the ladies’ man, shared in my excitement as he jumped up and down with me.

“What a time to be alive!” He exclaimed.

“This was fun,” Louis, the shy one, said softly. Every time he spoke, I kid you not, the kid just seemed to speak like an introvert, but his eyes screamed he was an extrovert. I couldn’t wait until he broke out of his shell.

“Well, we’ve got to work boys,” Liam, pretty much the leader, said with a solid glare at us. “We have to be winners.”

“We can have a bit of fun Liam,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“Well unless you don’t want to win Niall, then whatever. But unlike you, I want to win so let’s get some rest,” Liam said as he led us away.

I rolled my eyes and followed the other life. Even though we were an even number of guys, I felt as though we were still a bit off balanced. As though we were missing a vital piece of the puzzle piece.

Hopefully we never sound as though we’re missing a piece, because we needed to be on our A-Game for these next few weeks, but I didn’t want to sound like Liam.

I mean, he didn’t even want to bring up band names.

I kind of like One Direction.

A/N: Hi.... it's been a while.... BUT I AM BACK!        

Alright everyone, game plan, with this story, it's a short story so expect a new chapter at least every other day! I have more ideas and stories brewing, but this has been sitting in some discarded files, and well, I thought I'd share it!

Guys, your support has been INCREDIBLE. I have been nominated in the Bromance Awards (whoever did so, you are phenomenal) and my stories are hitting massive numbers (I am going to cry). Guys, you are amazing!

I want to give you as much as I can while I am on break, so I will be working hard to provide what I can! Love you all! xxxx

-Ariel x

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