Chapter 6

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After walking for about twenty minutes, she came to a large house that had a gate running along the whole property. There were royal guards stationed outside of the gate entrance. This must be the place, she thought.

She walked up to the gate and towards the guards. As much as she wanted to just kill them, she knew she couldn't. It would raise alarm. Instead she would have to resort to mind tricks.

"Halt. What business do you have here?" One of the guards said.

"You will let me pass, and then forget I was ever here," she said waving her hand in front of their faces.

"I will let you pass, and then forget you were ever here," the guard recited. He opened the gate and let Ahsoka pass. She walked up the pathway that led to the door. She contemplated just barging in, but thought better than to do that, again, it would raise alarm. She knocked and waited for an answer.

After a few seconds, the door opened to reveal an older gentleman with grey hair, dressed in a black suit.

"How may I help you little lady?" He asked Ahsoka.

"I'm here to see senator Bonteri."

"I'm sorry, but he's not taking visitors at the moment." He tried to close the door, but Ahsoka stuck her foot in to stop it.

"Wait!" She said. "I'm an old friend of Lux's. I thought he was dead and I just want to catch up with him, and then I'll be on my way." She looked up at him with her big blue pleading eyes. He contemplated for a second before relenting.

"Alright you may come in," he said opening the door and motioning for her to enter. "Senator Bonteri is in his office. It's just up those stairs." He pointed towards a staircase directly across from the door.

"Thank you sir," Ahsoka said bowing to him before heading up the stairs. Upon reaching the large double doors of the office, she knocked. Excitement was building up inside of her. She was about to get rid of the last piece of her past, the last part of the old Ahsoka Tano would be gone after tonight, and she could finally become the Sith she so desperately wanted to be. She would finally be able to please her master. She would thoroughly enjoy killing Lux Bonteri.

She heard the shuffle of papers, and a muffled voice "Come in Garçon!" She stifled a laugh. He must've thought she was his butler. Pushing the door open with a creek, she saw him standing there, facing away from her talking to someone on a holorecorder. From what she could tell, he had grown significantly. For starters, his brown hair was much longer, almost down to his shoulders, and was slicked back. He also looked taller and more well built.

"Alright Senator. Sounds good. I will talk to you more later," he said ending the call. He started to turn around. "Now what is it Gar-" he stopped as he saw Ahsoka standing there. His jaw just hanging in disbelief at what he saw in front of him. "How... wha-... what're-" he stuttered. He couldn't believe she was here. He had thought she had perished with the rest of the Jedi during Order 66. He had mourned for her endlessly, but now here she was, standing right in front of him in the flesh. She visibly looked older, she was taller and her Lekku and facial markings were longer, but she was still the same Ahsoka he knew. He got lost in her crystal blue eyes, and had to pinch himself to made sure he wasn't dreaming.

There was an awkward silence between the two as they both processed what they were seeing. Ahsoka was studying him from the front now. Not only was he taller and more well built, but he looked older overall. He's even more stunning then when I last saw him, Ahsoka thought. Wait what??? She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the thought, but memories of her and Lux flooded to her. Their first meeting on Raxus, the time the spent on Carlac... the kiss, the rebellion here on Onderon. Then only for a moment, she wanted to change her mind, 'cause this just didn't feel right to her. No, she thought, I'm not that person anymore, he means nothing to me, and he will die tonight by my hand!

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