"Yes, you have just took the words out of my mouth Reva," Mia told them holding Pia from behind. "So, we should all go to Visa office tomorrow? I shall book tickets to Delhi, this instant." Pia looked at them. "Are we going to reach in time?" She asked. "we are, we are going to take the flight." Pia was skeptical, she needed to save the money for her stay in an unknown city.

"Pia, we are going, when I said all of us, I mean all of us" Disha said. "But..." "No but, why you think we have stayed this long to find out about your results? We all belong to different specialities, but we stopped to know if you got in or not, even when we knew that we are going to New York anyway. We can never leave you behind, Pia if anyone deserve that position in Woodland it is you." Mia told her.

Her eyes begin to water and all of them hugged her. "Thank you, you are not just my friends you are my sisters. Thank you being here for me." She said. "Now, I am booking the tickets and while we are there, we should do some shopping for the new office, and new life what do you say?" Reva asked and all the girls rolled their eyes at her. "what?" Reva asked picking up the pillow in her hand.

"This calls for a pillow fight" Mia said. "Oh no, you don't," Disha said getting up with another pillow of her own and then they both attacked Reva while, Pia was busy laughing. Sometimes she feels blessed that she has this all, for herself. And sometimes she cannot help but feel how lucky she is. Having friends who never ever leave her alone, it is a true treasure to have.

Next morning, they all boarded to flight to Delhi from Mumbai, for Pia this is the first step of her dream. She looked out of the window. "Is it beautiful?" She heard Reva say "Yes, it is I never saw the city from clouds before. It is like a dream." "And only our Pia need is her prince, to sweep her away" Disha told them and all of them smiled.

"Yes, a dream it is. Thank you, for doing all this for me." Pia told them gratefully. "No need to thank us, it is something we are about to do anyway." Mia said sitting down next to Pia. "Refreshments?" The flight attendant asked. "Yes, thank you" Reva said taking one for each of them. "Reva, be careful otherwise you will spill that on someone" Pia warned. "Sorry, I am just excited it is our first trip together. And I want to make the most of it. After all there is no one that can ever beat our group remember Pia...."

"Careful you will..." Pia's words stuck in her throat as the drink went flying through the air and landed straight on a person. That person doesn't looks happy. Not a bit. His eyes met Pia's and she looked at his cold grey-hazel orbs. That was not a very friendly look nor a very common eye colour, one grey and one hazel. It is a very rare occurrence.

"That is why I hate commercial flights." The man cursed. "Lady you just ruined my Armani and I was going for a meeting lady, do you know how much this costs?" Reva hid beside Pia. "I am sorry for my friend Sir, and no I don't know what it cost, if there is anything, I can help with..." "How could you? I don't expect you to know, you are not supposed to know, you don't belong to that class that you should know." He said angrily.

"Sir I am talking to you with respect, I think you should too..." He held up his hand stopping Pia from talking. "I don't think you are someone who ever can earn my respect, bloody backward immature people." Pia's eyes watered as he turned around and left for the business class. "I am sorry Pia; it is all because of me. I am so sorry." Reva said hugging Pia. 

"No, it's alright. I just remembered someone told me this before. Backward immature person, who have no class, no self-respect at all." She told them. "then whoever told you that, don't really know who you truly are, we know you since the first year of your college." Disha told her.

They thankfully didn't met with any more unprecedented events throughout their time in the air. But that man whoever he was, his words had pierced her heart and stir some very bad memories within her. She remained silent for rest of the moment suddenly this trip felt so gloomy for some reason. All her friends can sense her distress but they didn't knew what to do to cheer her up. But they all knew the reason behind her distress, that man who ever he was is responsible for all this.

The air hostess announced that they should buckle up and that they are about to land. Pia was still very much silent still thinking about everything that had happened in her life. She didn't know why once again all the old memories she had buried inside had again resurfaced, and she didn't know if she was brave enough to deal with her demons just yet. She didn't knew if she can ever be brave enough.

Once the plan landed, they all got out, but as they were crossing the runway, they saw the same person who had insulted their friend. Pia was looking at this back as he walked towards a very expensive car. For some reason he stopped. She didn't know why as he was just few feet away from his ride. While Pia was the last one to get off the plane. She was still standing gripping the railing harder than intended to. The metal felt cold beneath her touch.

He turned around. His different coloured eyes met her looking with the same cold look as before. He was standing there, not approaching his car, just standing there and looking at Pia. After some time, she averted her gaze looking at anywhere but at a handsome, Young and arrogant rich man. "Pia..." Disha called her. The man stopped looking at her and then turned around got into his car and then it drove off.

"what that was all about?" Pia thought but as usual as mysterious that man was, his actions were a mystery to her. He wished that she never meets this man ever in her life again. For he can stir some very, very, vivid and equally bad memories she is hiding in her heart. She didn't want to go through those nightmares again, which she had fought very hard to contain, very hard to forget.

"Come on, don't think about this ok? You know it might be that he was just having a bad day, or he might just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Besides it is not like you are going to meet that man ever again. One in million chances for that to happen Pia." Mia tried to cheer Pia up as they all boarded the taxi towards Mia's father's apartment. That is going to be their humble home for few days before they return to Mumbai.

"Yes, he wasn't even an Indian, remember? You shouldn't think of him anymore and ruin your mood Pia, think about the things to come, the future that is going to be yours and the future that you will have will be bright no one will ever stand in its way. You have come too far for that." Pia looked at them and smiled. 

"You are right, I just didn't like the way he judged me without even knowing me at first. That is why it had hurt a little bit. But as you said, it is one in million chance that I meet him again. So, I shall look for my next step. Woodland, and I am going to achieve that."

At least she hopes she never ever run into a person such as him. But who knows what next hurdle is written in her future?

Word Count: 2185 Words

A/N:- so this is my new story, please vote comment and share it with your friends if you love this, and check out my other works too if you like. 

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Until next time...

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