Chapter 1

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She was waiting for this for a long time. Her results of the post-graduation. She wanted to become a doctor for so long. And now that she had gained specialization as the neuro- surgeon all she wanted was to start her work and help as many people as She can. 

All her friends already had selected the place they are going to work for, she however hoping for going to a place where she can make best of herself.

Her hands shook as she checked her email. She has no idea whether she had got in or not. She saw two mails, one was from Genesis Medical Centre and another one is from Woodland, they have responded to her letter. They also run an excellent P. HD program. So, she thought she might be able to get in with full scholarship.

And the paid internship also didn't look bad at the time. She was in a café training her eyes on the computer system. The page took forever to load. Her anticipation was increasing time. Finally, the rickety old computer creaked and the page loaded. She looked at the mail, knowing that she had scored the highest marks in the entire class. But, was it enough to impress the Woodland?

Her finger shook as she scrolled through the letter. She looked at the contains of the mail. And she almost jumped with joy. All the dwellers of the establishment stopped their work and started to look at her. 

"Sorry," She exclaimed. She needed to call her mother. She needed to tell her that her daughter is finally fulfilling the dreams they once saw together. All the shame she had bear for her is finally paid off.

She took a print out of the letter and walked out of the café. She got to a payphone and called her mother. After many days she was about to hear her voice. "Ma..." She called softly. "Beta? Kaise ho?" She asked her. "Ma, I am fine, I have gotten in, Woodland had accepted me. I am going to America for my PHD ma." Her mother laughed. That laugh was like music to her ear. "Pia beta, I am so proud of you, my little girl had done it. My little girl had beaten them all, like she had promised." Her mother said.

Pia didn't even notice when she started to cry. "Yes, Ma. I have done it. And soon, I will take you out of there, out of that place. No one will now come between us and our happiness I promise." Pia said. "Pia Beta, you just be happy that will be enough for me." Her mother said. "Ma, I have to go, but I will call once I get the arrangement underway. I will call you once I get my Visa and other documentation ready." "Ok, and where are you going to live?" She asked suddenly.

"I have some friends who are going there too, for their internship, we will figure something out." She said to assure her mother. "Ok Ma, mein rakhti hun, it is getting late and I have to return back to the hostel before the gates closes," She said. "Be happy beta, that is the most important in your life, to be happy and contained." Her mother said and she cut the call. She looked at the hostel gates.

Her room was the farthest corner in the last building. She had spent her last two years in this place and now she is now going to say goodbye to this place. Her friends surrounded her congratulated her for her achievement. She was very blessed to find some of the truest jewels there is.

"Thank you all. I am happy that I got in. Tomorrow I have to go to the Visa office and then..." "Then? Then you are going to go to New York City and meet your dream boy and get married and forget all of us." Disha cried holding her. Pia smiled at her childishness. "Only in my dreams Disha, I am going to meet my dream boy. You know what I want to do. I want to make my mother happy. And that is first priority for me."

Disha nodded. "I know Pia, it is important for you, from what you have told her..." "Not today, remember today, she is gotten one step closer to her dream of becoming the best neuro surgeon there is. And as her friends we should support her. And thinking about supporting her, as we all have got in in New York's hospitals we all should share an apartment, it will only be fair that we do. Since, we are all going to be at an unknown place, it is only fair that we do stick together." Reva said.

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