Chapter 6: Certification Exam (C Support)

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- (Y/N)'s POV -

After our first mission with together, Edelgard and I have been practicing more often despite Hubert's obsession with protecting Edelgard from any injury. Luckily she quickly shot his attempts at stopping us which finally made him leave us alone whenever we trained or just talked.

Right now I am in my room studying for my certification exam. The certification exam I am currently doing allows me to ride on a horse, though I doubt I will ever use it since I am much better on my feet, but I you never know when you need one. All of a sudden there was a knock on my door and it was Edelgard.

Edelgard: "(Y/N). Can I speak with you for a moment?"

Me: "Yeah just a sec!" I open the door and Edelgard looked scared. "Hey whats wrong? Sit down on my bed and get comfortable."

Edelgard then lays down on her back on my bed. I guess she took get comfortable to heart, must be something bad.

Edelgard: "Remember when I told you about my past (In this story, Byleth's supports will be the general idea of the support between you and Edelgard. Reason being it builds her character, but it's going to be modified and built up on)? Its that again."

Me: "Nightmares? What would you like me to do?"

Edelgard: "Honestly, I came here just to take my mind of off it. Whenever I talk to you, afterwards I feel... happier."

Me: "Well I hope you would. After everything that has happened to you, I hope your future is bright. Sounds kinda cliche now that I say it out loud."

This made her chuckle for a moment, that's a good sign.

Edelgard: "Its a nice thing to say. Its just I am scared that the path that I am going to walk on isn't full of happiness."

Me: "Well you chose your path. Like I said during the battle with Kostas, I am here for you whenever you need. That's what friends are for y'know?"

Edelgard: "(Y/N)... Ever since I came here, everyone has been kind to me despite my status and attitude. I am forever grateful to all of you. I just feel like I... never mind. I just hope that you guys know that I consider you as friends and that we have a forever lasting friendship."

Me: "In less than a year, I am sure we would have a bond that could defy the gods itself."

Edelgard: "A bond that could defy the gods..." Edelgard goes quiet for a minute, deep into her thoughts. I just let her mind wander while I continue to study. Then I hear movement from behind me and Edelgard is at my side examining what I am doing. "Studying now are we?"

Me: "Yeah I am doing the certification exam so I can use a horse in battle. I thought that it would be a good idea considering that horses are great for mobility. Plus you and I can sit on it while we rest."

Edelgard: "How thoughtful of you. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if you lead an army into battle."

Me: "To be honest, I always thought of that myself. Everything that our Professor has strategized in battle is something I would do. Using teamwork to take down an enemy, it makes what seems impossible in battle possible."

Edelgard hums at my response and motions for me to hand her my paper. She picks it up and shakes her head.

Edelgard: "You aren't studying efficiently. Instead of writing down everything from the notebook and reviewing it, you should have it organized. Have it in different sections for each. For example here you can put..."




After a long night of studying with Edelgard, she left to get some sleep. She waved goodbye before leaving my room with a smile. Looks like she really did enjoy tonight which is good. Before I go to bed I am going to review it once more for the certification tomorrow.

Later after exams...

Damn that was easy as... pineapple...? I passed the exam with a solid 98%... Apparently the question I got wrong was an opinion question...  As soon as I leave the room I am greeted by Edelgard with... NO HUBERT??

Me: "Good afternoon Edelgard, where's Hubert?"

Edelgard: "I dismissed him for a little bit and he obliged. How'd the exam go?"

Gonna put up an act to mess with her. A little humor always gives a radiant smile from her. So I frowned.

Me: "Well..."

Edelgard went into shock. She pulled on my collar which was adorable considering she is shorter than me.

Edelgard: "WELL?"

Then boom a smile appeared out of nowhere!

Me: "I passed!"

Edelgard lets go of my collar and brushes herself off. She fakes a cough and crosses her arms.

Edelgard: "Well as expected. You did study with me for a few hours. It would've been a shame if you had failed. But what was with that act anyways?"

Me: "Well I thought maybe you can use a little humor from me now and then. You aren't exactly, how do I put this... funny? But enough with my act, what was that just now? WELL?"

I mock her and laugh which just made her slightly ticked off.

Edelgard: "Well you made me worried of my own abilities to teach. That is all."

Me: "Are you sure that's all..?"

Edelgard: "Yes, now no more questioning. What was your score?"

Me: "98%."

This made Edelgard grab my arm, pulling my down to her level.

Edelgard: "NOT 100%?" Every word she says now, she says it slowly while getting closer to my face. "What. Did. You. Get. Wrong?"

Me: "An opinion question..."

She then lets go of me again and sighs.

Edelgard: "Makes sense, it's a question about opinion. Even if its a good one, sometimes the Professor just marks it wrong."

Me: "Sadly thats the truth. Luckily Professor Byleth isn't like other professors. So wanna go grab lunch?"

Edelgard's lights up with her smile on her face once again.

Edelgard: "Sure, what's on the lunch menu today?"

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