Chapter 47

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47. October:

"What do you wanna do today, it's our day off." Jay smiles pulling me against him "Oh wait we have to go check the mail." He interrupts "Why?" "It's a surprise." He smirks "Let's go!" I say jumping up from my seat and pulling him like a five year old "Okay." He sighs standing up and intertwining our fingers. We run outside and I open the mailbox to find it empty "There's nothing there." I pout "I guess the mail hasn't come yet." "Well we're waiting." I sit down cross-legged at the end of the walkway right next to the mailbox "You coming?" I ask over my shoulder. He sits next to me and pulls me into his lap "You're gonna love it." He smiles kissing my cheek "Stop torturing me, just tell me what it is." I beg and he laughs "Just gonna have to wait and see "Really? I will make you if you won't do it willingly." I slide off his lap and sit cross-legged across from him. He gives me a look like he's holding back a laugh "You think you can make me tell you?" he taunts and I nod standing up. I run into the garage and grab three water balloons from my hiding place. I go back out to Jay and hold them up "Why do you have water balloons hidden in the garage?" he asks sliding back a bit "I plead the fifth." I say in my best serious voice and he pouts "Fine, throw it at me." He says confident that I won't really do it. I quickly throw one and it hits him in the face causing me to almost fall over cause I laugh so hard "Hey..." he wipes the broken piece of balloon off his face "Told you." I smirk. I throw another but he jumps up and dodges. While he gloats about how it missed I throw the last one hitting him in the crotch. This time we both fall over, me because of laughing, him more because of pain. When I finally finish laughing I crawl over to him and lay next to him "I'm sorry." I kiss his cheek "Seriously? You hit me in the balls and I get a kiss on the cheek?" I giggle and kiss him on the lips this time "That's better." He smiles as I back away. I look up and see the mailman coming around the corner "Mail!" I shriek sitting up. Jay sits next to me and the mailman comes in front of us "Here you go." He says handing Jay the mail. As he walks away Jay sets all the letters on the ground and hands me the box "Surprise." He says. I look and see that there's holes on top and it says "LIVE ANIMAL" on the side "What did you do?" I ask "Just open it." He tries to stop his smile from spreading across his face. I carefully open it and see a bag filled with Tia's food "Jay!" I shout scrunching up my face "I told you I don't want to see Tia's dead mice!" he chuckles while taking back the box and wraps his arm around my shoulder "No! I don't want your death hands touching me!" I screech running into the house. I run up the stairs and curl up under the covers of Jay's bed. Jay walks in and sets the box down next to Tia's tank "Why do you torture me?" I ask "Cause it's so easy." He crawls in next to me. I hide my face in my hair and bury my head under the pillow. I feel Jay's arm snake over my back in pull my against him "I'm sorry." He kisses my cheek and I look up at him "It's alright, I pelted you with water balloons." I pat his cheek and he smiles. "You still have to make up for throwing those at me." he smirks while rolling on top of me "No. You more than made up for it with the fact, you owe me." I smile and wrap my arms around his neck "Oh really." he leans down our noses are almost touching "Yup." I yank him down and sparks fly as our lips come together...

As my eyes open I take in Jay's half naked body tucked under the white sheet. As white as the sheet is, it almost matches his skin tone. I laugh to myself and, wow, I really am crazy. As I stare down at him I start to wonder what time it is. I glance over and see that it's eight, everyone else won't be awake for another two hours or so. Since nobody's gonna be awake for a while I decide on going out for a walk. Even though we've been in London for a while, I haven't had anytime to wander and find my way around. After pulling on clothes I go out the door and start down the sidewalk...

Siva's P.O.V.

After applying my two morning moisturizers and other morning face creams I go out the door in pajama pants. I go into the kitchen and find Ellen and Nathan sitting eating bacon, Jay pacing while staring at his phone, and no sign of Max and Tom "Morning." I yawn taking a seat at the table. In response I get a mixture of groans and moans "Mate, did you see Maggie leave this morning?" Jay stops pacing "No." I answer trying to think back. He goes back to pacing and staring and I look to Ellen and Nathan to see them still shoving their mouths "Where are Max and Tom?" I ask "Max's room I think." Ellen answers licking bacon grease off her lips and in turn Nathan groans and they somehow end up making out on the floor. I continue down to Max's room and open it to find them doing it on the bed. Unable to look away I just try and speak but no sounds see to come out "Uhhh..." Tom says they both scramble to cover themselves in the sheet "Morning Seev." Max says as normally as he can "Wasn't the ideal way to start it, you guys are gay?" I ask still in shock "Yeah." Max takes his hand "Does anyone besides me know?" "Nathan and Ellen." "Wait I'm sorry, recap you guys are gay?" "Yeah." "How long have you been together?" "Like a week." Tom answers nuzzling Max's neck. I shiver and continue the conversation "You guys found out that you're gay a week ago and you're already together?" "No, I've known I was gay since I first met Tom. Up until that night I just never had the courage to tell him how I felt." Max smiles. They look into each others eyes and start to lean in when I awkwardly cough to which they respond by backing apart "Sorry." they both mumble "It's alright. I'm gonna go, and leave you to" I say awkwardly letting myself out. I go straight to the kitchen, and sit down at the table "You guys know Max and Tom are gay right?" I ask Ellen and Nathan. They both nod and Nathan raises an eyebrow "How did you find out?" "Find out what?" Jay asks butting into the conversation "That Tom and Max are gay with each other." I answer without thinking. Nathan slaps me upside the head and Jay continues staring "What?" "Alright alright, we'll explain." Max walks in followed by Tom with their hands linked together "Everything?" I ask "Everything." Tom sighs "But not everything, everything. I don't want to know about your gay butt sex, that's what the internet's for." Ellen says licking off the bacon plate. "Okay, it all kind of started back at the bar a couple nights ago..." Max begins...


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