Chapter 59

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59. For the next week or so things get pretty interesting. Both Jay and Nathan do everything we tell them without complaining at all, so it's gets tricky when we have to say who wins the contest "Okay, time to announce the winner!" Ellen shouts jumping up on the couch. I jump up next to her and the boys rough it on the floor "And the winner is..." "SIVA!" we say in unison "What?" Jay and Nathan jump up. We push past them and dog pile hug on Siva "How did he win, he wasn't even competing?" Nathan says "Yeah he did everything you guys did without being asked." I point out "But that's not fair Jay pouts "Life isn't fair, suck it up." Ellen says "So all that work was for nothing?" Nathan asks "No. I guess you can have your prize." She smiles "SEXYTIME!" he shouts and pulls her upstairs. I roll my eyes and look up to see Jay staring down at me "No." I shake my head "But Nathan got his prize." "Jay, it's different for them, Ellen's already done it, it's special for me." "Okay." He sighs and pulls me against him "We have been here the whole time you know?" someone says. I turn and see Siva, Max, and Tom staring up at us "Oh, right." I say "We should go get Ellen and Nathan cause we have that interview today." "What's it for?" Jay asks "Some TV show." "Okay. Do we have to change into actual clothes?" Jay asks "Yeah, tell the sex monsters to get ready while you're changing." Tom shouts as we go up the stairs "Ellen, Nathan, get changed there's an interview!" I shout as we go past their door. I hear a groan then feet going across the floor. We get up to our room and pull on actual clothes then go back downstairs "Nathan, stop it! One day we're gonna be in public and you're gonna do it and embarrass us both." Ellen says from on the stairs "What are you talking about?" I ask "Nathan stole my fifty shades of grey and now whenever I roll my eyes he slaps my ass." Ellen says "Why are you reading that book? I told you it's meant for lonely housewives." I say and she rolls her eyes causing Nathan to slap her butt "When will it end!" I moan. Jay grabs my hand and we go to the door "We need to get going." Siva says from next to us. We all make our way to the door and outside "How long is it cause Maggie and I get really bored in the green room." Ellen says "You're doing the interview with us." Siva says "Really?" Ellen asks and all the boys nod "Didn't you know?" Nathan asks and Ellen shakes her head "Well, you know now." She nods and cuddles up next to him in the back row of the van. Jay, Siva, and I sit in the middle row leaving Max and Tom for the front. Once we're all buckled in we start off towards the TV studio.

I hop down from the makeup chair and go over to Jay "We just have to wait for Siva and Tom to finish their makeup then we head into the main studio" "Okay." I say. As the boys finish up the seven of us make our way to the stage "Just sit up on the couches and he'll be out in a minute." A woman with a headset on says then hurries off. We go up the three steps and stand in front of the couches. Ellen, Nathan, Tom, and Max sit on one and Jay, Seev, and I go on the other "So what is this interview about?" I ask "Just basic stuff, they probably are only interested in you and Ellen and why Max, Tom, and Seev are still single." "But none of them are single." "Yeah but that's because the paps haven't found out about Nareesha or Tomax." "Oh..." "I'm not gonna say anything about Nareesha till she's here with us." Siva says "I think it's cute you don't want the press to know about her, it makes it more romantic." I gush and Siva smiles "Thanks." He says "Okay, we're live in three two one." The headset woman says. We turn forward and see a man sitting in the chair opposite our couches. Last time I looked he wasn't there so I stare a minute before I can collect myself. "Hello and welcome back! I'm here with boy band, The Wanted!" he practically shouts. The boys all wave towards the camera and turn back to the host "So, tell us who these lovely ladies with you are?" "Well I'm Ellen." Ellen starts "And I'm Maggie." I finish "Now, tell us is it hard going out with the boys? Do you get a lot of hate from fans seeing as you're with their idols?" he asks "At first people really hated the fact that I was with Nathan. There's always been fans who tell me not to mess things up, but there's also always been fans who support us and realize that we really do love each other. Most of the hate's gone away now but every once and a while I get Tweets or messages telling me how I'm a bitch and don't deserve Nathan. But overall I do love the fans and love that they support us so much." Ellen finishes "What about you?" he asks me "I never really had the problems Ellen had. Most people were happy for us and thought we were cute together.Of course being the nerd I am I really don't do social networks so for all I know I could be getting tons of hate and not know about it. But for all it's worth I'm so glad that the fans have been able to accept that fact that we're together." "So, we know you as your girlfriends but can you tell us more about yourselves. How exactly did you two end up with the boys?" he questions "Well..." Ellen starts

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