Chapter 56

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56. He pulls me against him and into his lap "So we'll stay there tonight at a hotel, then stay until after...what we're doing, then head back that night." He says and I nod. He wraps his arms tighter around my waist and pulls me against him "We should probably figure out somewhere to stay, it's gonna be interesting to find a hotel to stay at right when we get there." the cab pulls to a stop and we climb out "Thanks." We say as we pay and he drives away "So what should we do for a hotel?" he asks "Well my uncle's in the hotel business and he could probably hook us up with some hotel wherever we're going, so...where are we going?" I ask "Nice try but I'm not telling you." He smirks and I pout. He takes my hand and we go into the airport "Wait here and I'll check to see if they have the flight we need." He says. I plonk down in one of the incredibly uncomfortable plastic chairs and squirm around to try and get comfortable, nope that's just not gonna happen. I glance over at Jay and see him talking to the lady at the front desk. She's typing something on her computer and Jay's tapping his foot on the blue carpeted floor. Since it about eight thirty am there's not a ton of people in the airport. Most of the people consist of men and women in suits but there's the occasional scattered soccer mom with four nine year olds tugging at her sleeves. One woman catches my eye and I almost immediately don't like her. She sits down next to a man and immediately start commenting on what he's wearing. Even though she's commenting on what he's wearing, she seems like she would be almost always at home rocking her fuzzy slippers with her ten cats squeezed onto her lap. I bring my attention to Jay walking over and stand up to meet him "The flight's in an hour." He smiles "Cool, so should we go through everything now or wait a while?" "Let's go through now so we can get food and maybe clothes until our flight." He says and I nod. We get through security and everything and end up in the middles of a shopping place "Clothes first?" Jay asks and I nod.

We go into the first store and I turn to Jay "What kind of clothes are we supposed to wear?" I ask "Just casual clothes you can walk around in." "Okay." after searching and paying we come out of the store with a pair of black skinny jeans and a t shirt for Jay, a pair of jean shorts and a long sleeve plaid shirt with a short sleeve shirt underneath. We leave the store and turn the corner towards the rest of the shopping area "So what now?" he asks "I have the greatest idea in the history of ideas!" I squeal "What is it?" "Coffee." "Coffee?" "Coffee." "Why coffee?" "Why not?" "But why?" "Cause I've never tried it." "You've never tried coffee?" "Nope. Even though I'm super hyper a lot of the time I've never tried it." I smile and he grabs my hand "This is gonna be fun." He smiles. We run down the hall in search of somewhere to get coffee until we stop in front of a Starbucks "Let's do this." We walk in and get in line behind four or five people "What do you want?" he asks "Uhhh..." I stare at the menu aimlessly "I'll order, just go sit down." He chuckles. I sit down at one of the tables and let my mind drift. I wonder what penguins do for fun? Maybe they built an ice amusement park out of the side of cliffs where they slide down. That must be so much fun to slide down on your belly. Hmmm...belly. Hungry, hungry, Hungary, Hungary, that old woman from church, that old woman from church, hard candy, hard candy, ribbon candy, ribbon candy, Psych, Psych, Boy Cat, Boy Cat, Ellen. Wait no I'm supposed to be mad a t Ellen for always hooking up with Nathan. Oh well it's not like she'll actually stop if I yell at her "Drink up." Jay places a huge coffee cup in front of me "What is it?" I ask "Do you really want me to explain?" he asks and I shake my head. I lift the cup to my lips and take a sip "!" I fan my mouth and Jay laughs "Come on, we should start to head back to the waiting place." He stands up. I follow him out of the store and back down the hall. I take a huge sip of the coffee and my whole body seems to speed "Does this coffee taste really good to you it tastes really good to me we should get more it's so yummy but we probably shouldn't cause we're going on a plane and one of us is bound to spill so let's not get more, do you get what people mean when they say coffee makes them hyper cause it sure doesn't make me hyper I feel great, no I feel better than great I feel perfect like I could fly." I finally finish breathless. Jay reaches out to take my coffee and I hold it away from him "Don't. Touch. My. Coffee." "Sorry." "It's alright." I go back to being peppy "We should probably hurry up and get to the waiting place. Oh! I know we can seed walk there cause if we speed walk then we can get there faster and then we can get on the plane faster and life will be amazing!" "Why don't you finish your coffee?" "Okay." I bring the cup back up to my mouth and chug the rest of it. Jay stares as I toss it in the trash "Come on." I grab his hand and run back towards the waiting area. I flop down in a seat and Jay struggles to catch his breath "Are you okay?" I ask and he nods and sits next to me. I lay down with my head in his lap and the rest of my body stretched across the seats "When is the plane coming?" I ask impatiently "Soon, just relax, you probably shouldn't have had that whole coffee." I readjust myself so my legs are hanging over the back of the chair and I'm basically sitting upside down "Why can't I get comfortable?" I moan and Jay chuckles "You're like Ellen." "Don't compare me to her, I'm not that frisky!" I practically yell "Sorry." "It's okay, I know you wish I was." "No I don't." he takes my hand "Eh, whatever." I sit right side up. He opens his mouth to say something but a voice comes through the speaker announcing my flight "Come on." I jump up. He takes out our tickets and hands them to the lady at the desk. She does something to them and hands them back to us. Jay grabs my hand and we go down the hall to the door of the plane. I follow behind Jay to our seats. I go to the window seat and Jay sits in the middle a large man sits on the end causing Jay to recoil and scoot against me which squishes me in-between him and the window. I hold back my laughs for the man's sake and cuddle up against Jay "Why am I so tired?" I yawn "You just drank a huge cup of coffee, you're crashing." "Okay, I'm gonna sleep." I curl up in my seat and drift off to sleep.

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