Laconic Heartache

Start from the beginning

It was crippling within itself to see him like this. Walking with the weight of the world on his shoulders, and that haunted look in his eyes. He didn't know what to do. Or where to begin when it came to fixing this, to making it better.

But this situation could not be healed. The shattered pieces of Mrs. Estienne's soul could not be sewn back together, nor could the beating hearts within those tiny bodies be replaced.

Time could not be turned. And restoration could not be forced.

But vengeance...

Vengeance could be achieved.

And I had no doubt in my heart that it was where we'd start. Gabriel wouldn't get away with this. He may evade us as many times as he likes, he can hide in the shadows and hurt even more people, but he would pay.

Sooner or later.

It will come to pass.

No matter how fuckin long it takes. Or what he does in the time between. He was going to pay the price for this.

Livius' thumb stroked the back of my hand, as though he was aware of the bloodlust rising within me. Almost unconsciously, he pulled me closer to him and searched my face, those eyes piercing my own.

"Go on and offer your goodbye's, hm?" he told me softly, that empty ocean filled with affection. "I'll return home ahead of you."

I nodded once. "See you in a bit?"

He kissed my knuckles in response, his eyes following the movement. "Of course, moon."

And with one tiny, and heartbreakingly fleeting smile he released me and strode away, his footsteps light and unheard. It was almost as though nature itself held its breath for him, even the tiniest snow petals parting for him as he walked alone.

Turning back to the two graves we had faced, my fingers tightened around the flowers I held. But after inhaling a deep breath, I approached where they now rested and laid the bouquet of lilies in between the two, my fingers lingering on the soil.

I had no words to say. Nothing to promise them. No hopes and wishes that I could keep alive.

As their Luna, I should've met them earlier. But I was so caught up in my own dramatics that I hadn't even thought of it.

I hadn't thought of this pack, or all the hundreds of thousands of wolves out there who looked up to me as their future leader and the mate of their King. I hadn't thought of what it meant to be the Werewolf Queen. What it truly meant.

Goddess, it was so much more than just being a mate. Then simply standing by Livius' side. It was gaining the love of the people. Calling upon their affection and support. To be the Luna Queen, I was supposed to know the pack like the palm of my hand. To be their voice. To represent and fight for them.

I should've known Alaric and Aria. I should've met them and all the people gathered here. They shouldn't be nameless pack members. I was supposed to know them.

But I'd been so caught up with all the wrong things that I hadn't realized how much I myself was lacking as Luna Queen.

Goddess, I wish I had at least met them once.

"Those were her favorite flowers."

I stiffened at the voice behind me, Adrian Estienne's words reaching my ears as he carefully extended a hand to help me out of my kneeling position.

I wiped at the stupid tears that I hadn't noticed escaped during my traitorous thoughts. Fuck, I was so damn weak.

"Really?" I questioned, turning to look at him while Mrs. Estienne approached from a distance.

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