Jose: Keep sending planes dont let them get the air superiority!

John: Got it!

John is sending 3 B-2 bombers assisted by 5 F-22 Raptor multi-role jets with also assisting with anti air for Jose

Jose POV

Jose's thoughts: Im near the 2 siren carriers i think i can handle it ill notify John to take care the 3 battleships which i think he is i am spotting 3 allied bombers and 5 allied multirole jets heading towards the 3 siren battleships then 10 allied multirole jets heading towards me possibly assisting me for air support...

Jose suddenly notices enemy siren jets

Jose's thoughts: Crap... 20 enemy fighters jets and 5 enemy bombers jets i gotta notify John

Jose: Hey John!

John: Yeah?

Jose: Be on the lookout 20 enemy fighters and 5 bombers at 9'o clock

John: Yeah picking them up!

Jose: i think if you intercept them with the 10 multirole jets here we might beat them in strength!

John: Noted!

Jose: Lets do this!

Jose moves rushing the 2 siren carriers

Jose: almost there!

Suddenly 2 siren battleships aims for Jose and each of them shoots 6 HE laser rounds

Jose: Crap gotta dodge those laser ammunitions

Jose tries to dodge it by doing a zig zag across it luckily only 1 got in him

Jose's thoughts: Only 1 but still painful though, gahh why complain i dont wanna be some rich dude who relies on bodyguards or something....

Jose finally reaches the 2 siren carrier with torpedo range

Jose: Hope they will sink...

Jose launches 4 LIGNex1 SSM-700K (C-Star) Anti-Ship
missiles 2 each on both ships


all managed to hit successfully but never sank

Jose: Not enough but they are majorly damaged ill send different projectile...

Jose launches 2 K745 Chung sang EO (Blue shark) torpedoes 1 each per carrier


They all managed to sink the carriers

Jose: Just how powerful are we...

John POV

John's B-2s and F22s are finally reaching their destination

John: Might aswell join them

John readies his Ak-47 Iron beast
and approaches the 3 siren battleships

John: I think hitting their turrets is more better yeah ill do that...

John recommands his B-2 jets to hit the turrets instead of the deck

The plane squadron has officially arrived at its destination and is beginning to drop the payload

(Sadly i cant make the *boom* thingy because the B-2 carries so many dive bombs that it could destroy 1 ship with itself and since John commanded 3 B-2s to attack its turrets i would say its a waste but luckily freedom metal (if you get the joke you get cookie!) is more stronger than siren metal.)

The B-2s have officially started dropping dive bombs that destroyed all turrets making them unable to battle, unfortunately its second armaments cruiser turrets still works and begins shooting at John

John: Aw.... Aw.... AWW WHAT THE FUCK.

And another problem HE CANT DODGE HE IS A CARRIER...

John sustained mediocre damage


John rapidly fires on the damaged siren battleships the bullets pierces and damaged the siren engines which happened to explode since its an engine what do you expect...

John: Finally...

The 3 siren battleships explode and sinks

While John finished destroying the battleships explosions could be heard

3rd POV

Duncan: Hell yeah flammenwerfers OP.

Defender: Yeah...

Apparently the Duo recently sunk 4 siren destroyers and 2 siren battleships at 3'o clock from John's position basically John's right side

Gerald POV

Gerald: Man she is tough....

Gerald says it in whispered voice

Peacebreaker: My? Have enough?

Gerald: Not yet until i say it!

Gerald sends more B2s only to be shredded by modified siren fighter planes

Gerald's thoughts: Frick if i dont turn this around ill surely lose...

Chapter 15 End

Author: Oh man i am very VERY busy again

Gerald: Why?

Author: 1. Im lazy
2. School tuition fees
3. Some stuff i guess

Gerald: Thats it?

Author: Yeah...

Author: Also before i end this ill post chapter 2 in my other book tomorrow so be in a lookout! Anyways until we meet again bye!

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