The Aftermath

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So maybe I got a little sidetracked, forgetting about the conversation I wanted to have with Berlin, but really, could you have blamed me?

Besides, I knew that Berlin had other things to take care of at the moment, namely dealing with the aftermath of what he'd done to Tokyo. I knew that Nairobi was pragmatic enough to understand why he'd done it, and Helsinki would follow where Berlin led. Moscow had appeared honestly shocked by Denver's actions, and I knew he believed in the Professor, and by proxy Berlin. He'd understand why he'd thrown Tokyo out. The only two that could pose a problem were Denver and Rio. Denver was... a hothead to put it nicely. While Rio, Rio thought he was in love with Tokyo. What the poor boy didn't understand was that Tokyo would soon grow tired of him, maybe not today, nor tomorrow, but it would happen eventually. She wasn't built for the domesticity that Rio wanted from life.

I ended up in the bathroom, another thing that was apparently becoming a habit, cleaning up as best as I could, trying to spin a believable enough story to explain away the bruises on my face, when Moscow walked in. His shoulders were slumped, and he almost looked afraid to approach me.

"Hello." I murmured pleasantly, dabbing at my lip with a paper towel soaked in cold water. At least we had that. It stung, but it wasn't too bad, the pain reliever I'd swallowed before had helped some.

He shifted, looking at me nervously, almost wringing his hands. "Miss, I've come to ask you for a favor." My nose crinkled at the Miss. "First of all, it's Lux, just Lux okay?" When he gave me a sheepish nod, I smiled at him, "What do you need?" I had an idea of what he'd ask of me, but still, I wanted to hear it said out loud.

"I ask that you forgive Denver for what he did to you." He intoned gravelly.

I waved him away, "There's morning to forgive Moscow. I'll live. Besides, I know it was Tokyo who put him up to this."

He breathed out a shaky sigh of relief. "Well I ask that you forgive me as well, I thought I'd raise him better than that." Somehow, I doubted that, but I kept my mouth shut, playing with my hair to see if I could artfully cover the bruise somehow.

"Again, there's nothing to forgive, it's over and done now, alright?" I gave him a tight lipped smile through the mirror, but he still looked as though he wanted to say more. I waited, watching him gather his thoughts as he finally said, "Will you please tell Berlin that? I'm afraid of what he's going to do to Denver, in retaliation."

The scoff that escaped me was loud, and Moscow flushed, looking embarrassed, no doubt thinking that I wanted Berlin to actually retaliate.

Despite what I'd threatened Denver with while I was tied up, I wasn't actually expecting Berlin to do anything to him, other than the obvious reprimand for hurting a fellow teammate, obviously.

"Moscow, I already told Berlin that Denver was not the one responsible for this. I promise you that he won't hurt your son."

His weak smile was pathetic to see, I couldn't imagine the weight he carried around all the time, being Denver's Father had to be hard.

"I believe you, but I overheard Berlin, and he's- he's not happy. I know he's going to do something to Denver." The man looked absolutely terrified, no doubt he knew just what Berlin was capable of. I wondered what he'd seen of Berlin during the months they'd live together under one roof.

I shook my head, suddenly feeling very, very, tired. After everything that had happened how could I not? And still, I had to fix this? God how I hated Tokyo at that moment.

"I'll talk to him, okay?" The poor man appeared placated enough, and I gave his arm a light squeeze as I walked out.

Berlin wouldn't do anything. He'd already made his point when he threw Tokyo to the wolves. It was ridiculous for Moscow to believe Berlin cared about what had happened to me. I was still in one piece wasn't I? And besides, I'd told him I didn't want him hurting Denver.

Denver was just lucky that Berlin had been here, instead of Martin.

Martin would not have taken my brief kidnapping or Tokyo's coup against Berlin quite so lightly.

He had beaten a man close to death for less.


I was walking through the club, giddy with the high of having gotten Andrés to agree to come with us tonight, making my way to where Martin sat at the bar.

The dress I was wearing was short but tasteful, draping my figure beautifully, it was a gift given to me by the Argentinian, who'd seen it while he was out and had immediately thought of me, or so he said.

I'd tried to convince them both to dance with me, but Andrés had declined, stating he'd rather watch, from the private booth. It was up above on the second floor, where he currently sat. Martin had said he'd join me for the next song, and I was coming to collect him.

He was holding court at the bar, ever the social butterfly, I had caught his eye, and he'd opened a hand in my direction, smiling lazily as he made to reach for me. Someone's palm stuck out, smacking against my ass harshly. I turned around, anger boiling in my chest as I faced the drunken creep who'd touched me, but Martin all but flew from where he'd been sitting, throwing himself at my offender and pummeling him with his fists.

The blood lit up black against the harsh neon lights inside the club, and Martin wouldn't stop, no matter how hard I screamed for him to.

I searched frantically for Andrés, knowing he was the only one who could stop Martin now, but the man was leaning against the balcony, watching the scene with a pleased smirk on his lips.


So maybe I'd always known that Martin was protective, if not possessive of me, but Andrés hadn't ever done anything of the sort.

Which is why I was so surprised about the way he was acting right now.

"Lux. You need to come with me, now." I blinked at Nairobi, wondering why she seemed so jittery all of a sudden.

The expression on her face had my heart dropping into the pit of my stomach.


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