Chapter One (Daily Life)

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I slowly woke up to the warm rays of sun on my face, it was weird to be sleeping in a hospital bed when I wasn't sick, but, not as weird and scary as the situation we had suddenly been thrown into by Mono-Brenner, I groaned and swung my legs over the bed, hopping off the bed and opening a cupboard, changing into a fresh set of clothing and walking out the door.

The hall just seemed cold...

I mean... It already felt cold and strange when Will had to be here, but with the looming threats, it felt worse...

I eventually reached what I assumed was a staff room, it was now fitted to be a canteen of sorts, food overflowed from cabinets and cupboards, a tiny kitchen shoved in the corner and a long table line with office chairs sat in the middle of the room...

"Morning guys"

I called, glancing over the room

"Monrin' dude!"

Dustin called with a smile, I sat next to him and we began to talk

"So... Do you have any idea whats gonna happen...?"

Dustin asked

"N-Not really..."

I nervously replied

"This is such a weird situation..."

Dustin drummed his fingers on the table

"Ah.. Yeah... I just thought, since you always seem to have a plan... You might have uh... Figured something out?"

Dustin leaned on his palm and gloomily looked out the window

"But I understand if you're still confused man..."

Dustin grimaced a little

"Ah.. W-Well... I guess you're probably hungry..."

I nodded

"Heh.. Thought so... Well, Wills mom has been making pancakes... Do you want some?"

I felt my face light up

"Are you kidding? Hell yeah man!"

I bounced out of my chair and skipped over to the kitchen, where Joyce was cooking


I called

"Hm..? Oh! Good morning Mike!"

Joyce said with a smile

"Do you want some pancakes?"

I nodded with a big smile, she grabbed a plate and scooped a few pancakes onto a plate

"Theres more if you want them!"

She said, handing me the plate along with some cutlery

"Thanks Mrs. Byers!"

I called, walking back to Dustin

"Oh boy! These look great! I cant wait to dig in!"

I sat down and raised my fork, plunging it into the pastry, ripping a piece off as I began to eat

"Oh-ho wow! These are goood!"

I waved to Joyce

"Hey! Mrs Byers!  These are super good!"

She smiled

"Thank you Mike!"

She replied sweetly

I continued to tear into the soft pancake, it really was phenomenal! 

When I finished,  I decided to continue my conversation with Dustin

"Well... Today, I was thinking we could look around the place...."

Dustin nodded

"Yeah... That might help us..."

He pushed himself out of the chair


He called as the chair went flying

"Ah shit! I got up too fast!"

He yelled running for the speeding chair, catching it

"Phew... Well, anyway... I was gonna say, why dont we start now?"

Dustin said, returning the chair to the table

"That sound like a good idea"

I said, pulling myself off the chair

We talked to a few people and eventually ended up with a small investigation group that included Me,Dustin,Hopper,Eleven,Will and Murray

We didnt find much, just that the lab was incredibly clean and there was a strange lock on the elevator door, but im sure there could be more... Sadly, we used up most of the day and so, we decided to continue in the morning....


The next morning was relatively the same...

Although, we did find a new room, unfortunately it was locked and we couldn't access it, so, we decided to give up the investigation. I wanted to take my mind of that terrible threat, so, I spent the day with Will, I helped him make a DND board from random craft supplies hed found, and, we found Dustin and Lucas and held a campaign, unfortunately, we had to cut it off early and go to bed, but I had a good time with them!


This morning when I woke, instead of the regular announcement, Mono-Brenner had something new to say... He asked us to all gather at the entrance hall.... I felt fear course through my veins as I walked toward the hall

I pushed the door open, and I could sense everyone had the same feeling of nervousness

"Were all here? Perfect!"

Mono-Brenner popped up

"Now, since its been three days without a murder, I thought id ad an extra test to your trust..."

I began to sweat as I stared at him

"There will be a little extra present for getting away with a murder..."

He paused and looked around the room, suddenly pulling something small out, a remote? He pressed a button and it showed a lot of people grouped in a cage...

Lucas's Parents... Dustin's mom... Wills dad... Some of the cops and a lot of other people i didn't know... and then.... I heard growling.... and a loud scream... the camera abruptly cut to static and everyone was terrified....

I recognised that scream.... That growl....
It was a Demogorgon....

I felt sick... I felt horrified... I felt horribly sad... This man was endangering people who we cherished just to try and make us kill...

I couldn't bear to stay in the room, I stumbled to my room and collapsed onto the bed...
Thoughts raced in my mind as I layed on the bed

"Why? WHY?! Why does he have to threaten us like this?! Its just WRONG!"

I yelled

"I-Its just wrong...."

I sighed, I felt like I was completley drained, but it was impossible to sleep, so, I decided to grab some food, Will and the others were sitting back down at the board, so i came over

"Huh... Guess I'll join back too..."

I said, clutching an apple

We played for a while and soon, we again, had to stop, I waved goodnight to my friends and went to bed

It took a while for me to sleep... but it felt good to sleep....


I got out of bed and walked toward the staff room, I grabbed myself some cereal and joined the campaign again, and, we were able to finish it today, it felt good to finish it, we actually had a little celebration, Will wanted to do another campaign tomorrow, and, he wanted to dress up as Will the Wise, so, we all decided to pitch in and help him make the costume, it wasnt perfect, but I could tell that Will loved it, despite the crappy stitching and slight shade changes, he carried it to his room and said that hed talk to us tomorrow, we said bye to him and the three of us decided to just chill for the rest of the day until we had to go back to our rooms

"Night guys...!"

I called, walking out

"Night Mike"

Lucas called, walking past me

"Yeah, night dudes!"

Dustin chimed, skipping to his room

I opened the door to my room and flopped onto the bed, I never realised how much hanging out with my friends really took out of me until now.....

I soon fell asleep, happily awaiting tomorrows events...


I hopped out of bed excitedley, practically jumping toward the Staff Room

"Mooorning guys!"

I happily called

"You ready for our campaign Will The Wise?!"

I heard a quiet scoff

"W-Wills not here yet..."

Lucas said

"Neither is his mom..."

Dustin said

"Normally shed be here by now... Making breakfast..."

I looked to my friends

"Im sure theyre just sleeping late..."

I reassured

"Yeah... lets hope so..."

Lucas muttered in a worried tone

"Ah.. Well... Lets give them 20 minutes..."

I said, grabbing some cereal

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea!"

Dustin said

Soon, 25 minutes had passed, and they were still nowhere to be seen...

"Im getting worried..."

Lucas gulped

"We should look for them..."

I looked to Dustin and nodded, the three of us left the room and began looking around the lab

My heart was beating faster than ever as I quietly stepped through the halls...

As I walked I smelt something foul emanating from a storage closet, my hand shook, sweat engulfed my face and...


I found one of them...

Will... Was dead.... Blood seeped from his back, his face stained with fear and agony. I stood there, shaking, who would do this?!

Suddenly I heard Dustin shriek... and when I ran to him...

I found Joyce...

She was dead too... Blood seeped from her neck and chest, the same expression as Will etched into her face

I heard Lucas arrive, and then...

Ding Dong Bing Bong!
A Body has been discovered!

I stood, staring in fear... She really was dead... Then... does that mean...?

I ran back to the closet, Lucas and Dustin followed me, confused

Ding Dong Bing Bong!
A Body Has Been Discovered!

So... It was true... I stared into the closet painfully as I heard the pained screams and cries of Lucas and Dustin ring out through the hall....


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