chapter 3.6

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Cantrlot city

After saveing princess celestia amd princess Luna. Twilight and her friends tried to help the mysterious warriors that were fighting a creature they never seen. But when they got there they weren't there anymore. They then decided to return back home and realized that discord cause the attack of the Everfree forest. But when Applejack asked him that if he made that mysterious monster, to there surprise he said that he never did that he only did the seeds.

Some of them were having hard time trusting him for that. But the only ones that believed him were fluttershy because she heard the two mysterious voices that attck here and Mō fubuki. When they return they went to canterlot to celebrate the summer sun celebration. After the sun was raised twilight and her friends went to tell celestia about what happed when they were trying to save her.
Canterlot castle throne room 11:47

Celestia was sitting down on her throne recovering from being captured. She have been thinking about everything that happened and doing some princess work. "*sigh* I hate doing this. There so much paper work to do I really need a break. But being the princess of equistiera is alot of work. I could have some cake right now." While she was signing her 150th paper work. There was a knock front throne door. "Oh thank me." Celestia sighed and look at the door. "Come in."

The door open as twilight sparkle and her friends came in as they enter celestia had a feeling the reason they are here is for what happened last night. Twilight bowed and stared talk.
"Celestia it's good to see you again"

"Oh twilight we just meet 2 hours ago. You dont have to keep doing this evrytime." Celestia smiled

"Oh-oh sorry it just force of habit." Twilight said embarrass.

"Is there a reason why you all are here?" Twilight stared about what happened telling celestia everything that happened with zecroa and with them finding one of the mysterious warriors and tried to help him. Fluttershy said that she was staying by the mysterious warrior as the same creatures that attacked zecora appeared.

"They went to attack me i was so sacred I tried to call for help. But when I did on of these monster shot a fire ball at me. I thought I was done for, until the warrior was able to protect me by taking the attck. I look up to see him all fine." After fluttershy told that rainbow dash got worried so much she was hugging her tightly like a protective mother.

After a few seconds trying to get rainbow dash off of fluttershy she stared to continue.

"The warrior stood up telling me that I will be okay he will protect me. I then felt a cold breeze all of sudden as I saw him pulled out a sword made of ice. We were then surrounded by more of them. He was trying to take care of them but then he was staring to get overwhelm him. Some how HE was able to fly to trees so fast he was able to get me away and he told me that i had have to find you girls and heard to tree."

"Oh yeah that's right and after you found us we found him again and seeing others mysterious warriors in chapter 2.10!" Pinkie said smiling while eating popcorn that came out of nowhere. The girls looked st here very confused of what pinkie means.

After finishing there convention celestia saterd to take every thing in and was suprises about. But to her it means something else that the mane six dont know about. Twilight was about to speak but celestia interrupt her. "Thank you very much about this information I will ask my garud to keep an eye out for these warriors and no twilight I will not send some of my guards to find them."

Twilight mouth drop as celestia just answer the question she was about ask. "Wait how did you know what I was about to say?" Celestia chuckle at her and saw the other girl smiling a little bit.

"Oh I know you too well twilight I knew you what to keep an eye out for them. But I cant sent my guards to the Everfree forest to find them not what you said what these monsters you saw. They might be able to fight against them and these warriors might what some time to relax after their fight." Celestia finish see twilight looking down at the floor mumbling to her self.

After they finish there conversation celestia told them that they should stay at the castle tonight. The mane six agreed to it. They were about to leave but celestia spoke up.

"Oh fluttershy dear before you go can i speak with you ?" Flutterdhy stop and look at celestisa and look back at her friends who gave her the alright to be with her. She shook her head and went back to celestia.

"Um w-what is it you want to talk about celestia?"

"Fluttershy I know that you are hiding something. And I think it something about your encounter with the this mysterious warrior."

Fluttershy got sacred at this that celestia knew that she was hiding something very important form her and her friend's. Celestia was expecting for fluttershy to freak out but what surprise her is that fluttershy took a deep breath and saterd to speak.

"Yes princess celestia I did have something to hide. I had to keep a secret because I made a pinkie promise. The warrior in white told me not to tell my friends the entire story that happen."

Celestia was shook that the warrior told fluttershy to keep a secret. "But why is she telling me this so calmly?"

"Fluttershy why are you telling me this?"

"Well I he said that I cant tell my friends the entire story when he was saveing me. But he said that I can tell you because he said that he can trust me and you. I dont know why he said that he can trust you."

Celestia was surprised that this warrior trust her even thought he does not know her. She was trying to figure out why this warrior trust her to know the whole truth. Then it struck her if this warrior trust her and she never see her it must be them.

"No way it cant be them I thought they wont be here for 30 more years." Wait.. dont tell me that I lost track of time."

Fluttershy was seeing celestia thinking to herself and seeing her face all of sudden made a realization face.

"Um celestia you ok?"

"Huh? Oh sorry fluttershy! I just realized something that I forgot. Plz tell me what really happen when you were protected by the warrior."

"Oh sure celestia."Fluttershy then started to tell celestia the truth. She told celestia about the two mysterious voices that she heard and so did the warrior. While fluttershy was telling celestia about this they didn't know that a orb of light was coming done form the sky heading towards them.

Celestia was shocked that these two mysterious voices were the one who summoned these monster on her subjects and even going for the element bearers.

"This is not good if they are being targeted this means that reality is at risk." Celestia was thinking to her self until she saw a ball of light outside of the window. She looked at it and notice that fluttershy looked at the window and then back to her.

"Um celestia is there something out there?

Celestia then figure out that she does not see the ball of light.

"Yes I'm all right fluttershy just taking everything you told at once. You can go ahead and join back with your friends now." Fluttershy shook her head and left the room. As so she left the ball of light came tough the window and in frot of celestia looked at it and smiled.

"So it seems that it time is it?" The orb went up and down as for a nod. "Very well then I will see you soon, Madam equistiera."

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