chapter 1.2

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My name is... before the trio heard the name all of sudden a powerful wind hit the trio and was sent flying forward. AHHHH. As trio was flying out forward they saw a door opening and they saw a bright flash. Hey I can't see anything what going on. Yuki do you what's going on. No Vert I really dont- *thud* the trio hit something hard the next thing they saw were before blacking out. They saw 5 shiloutte. Ugh wh-oo- ar-uhh.
Third Pov

Inside the room the trio crash into a table  and the 5 figures that were in ther were straddle. Woah-what the heck just happen. Said one of the  mysterious voice said that sounds to be worried. I dont know _______ but let's be careful and have a our wepons ready. Said another one but more serious. Yeah let's do_____. A other one said but more cheeky. As the 5 mysterious fiuge to check what just happen. 2 of them jump on the table 2 of them went right a d the last one went to left. Ok 3..2..1.NOW! As they jump in a defensive stand they were shocked to see who made the noise.

Wait is that Vert said the worried voice. Hey its Xigbar and- wait is that Mō fubuki?! Said the serious one. Then another one spoke but he sounded like a Japanese person. Yeah dude looks like it is-. After a view seconds he spoke again. Yeah it Yuki, Xig and Josh. Said the voice. Then a 5th one spoke up but sounded like a tough guy. A least we more of our family but I guess these 3 hit hard crash on this table. As he put his hand on table the made a thud noise. And as we know that these 3 are really heavy sleepers. Great now that we found more of our family but no they are unconcious how we going to wake them up said the cheeky one. as they were trying to figure out how to wake them up one of them look at there wepons and smile as an idea came to mind. Hey how I turn up the Bassline? The group stop and look at him and were nodding there heads saying to do it. Ok here goes nothing as he pull out a speaker looking gun out.

Yuki was laying down on the ground not moving but breathing. He can't move but he thought here someone speaking." How a out I turn up the bassline?" That he heard then we couldn't here anything. Time has passed nothing happen............. GOOD MORNING SLEEPY HEADS. Yuki woke up and jump air screaming and fell down hard on the floor. Ahhhhh *thud* ooofff.

OW ALL RIGHT WHO DID THAT I DO NOT LIKE WHEN SOMEONE DOES. Yelled an angry Yuki. Furious he turned to the source and was surprise to see who it was. His ear heard something from behind him seeing vert and Xigbar getting up and rubbing there hands on their ears. Ow wow turn the alarm clock to max volume? Said vert as he open his eyes to look around and saw Yuki. But when he did he also saw others. Xig got up saw them to and they could be live who they found. Yuki went to hug the man with the speaker gun.

Ongaku it really you I knew it that you will be the only one to wake us. And and you being Shirako fits well. Ha ha yep I guess it does. Shirako said laughing and hugging back. After they finding hug Yuki nocticed and was happy. Sora, riku, monkey and pork-chop it really you. Vert and xig gasped and got up and went to hug there other family members. Sora, riku good to see you two again. Xig said giving them a hug. Sora and riku were struggling to get free from Xig hug yeah * cough* good to see you again xig. Riku said trying to get air.

Sora was reaching out taping on xig arm. Hmm? Xig look down and sora face all red asking for air. Opps sorry sora. Letting them both fo sora gasped for air. *cough cough* thanks. Sora said. Monkey,Porkchop it's good to see you again. Vert said giving them a fist bump. Monkey and Porkchop give him a fist pump back. Monkey spoke, Josh is that really you you look just like vert? Yep Michael it's me and Jack is that also you. Yep its me Josh said Porkchop. As group was talking monkey  heard a rumble from above. Huh? Hey guys do hear that? Monkey asked. Huh as the group asks and look  up. Seeing trap door open the seeing a big group falling down. Uh oh every get out the away as the guys got they. yuki on the other hand did was not able to get out of the way and got dogpile by the falling group. Oww why me? Yuki thought.

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