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I'm  actually super happy with this chapter cuz it's really long so yay ^^

The boys ran to the side of the boat to look where the sound came from. You followed behind them to see what it was too. Meeting the side of the boat, you looked to find the last thing you wanted to see. 

Your kingdom’s royal navy ship.

The biggest ship your kingdom had that was only used for the Royal family. There was no denying the dark turquoise that reflected over the ocean and the cream colored sails that contrasted against the blues so perfectly. As odd as the color may seem, it made our ship recognizable and let other kingdom’s know who it was. Although normally if it was sailed, there were always normal navy ships surrounding it at all angles and made damn sure it was protected. But there were no navy ships. Something was wrong. 

“Who is that?” Seonghwa spoke up. You took a shaky breath before speaking. “My father’s royal navy ship.” The 3 boys turned to look at you in dismay. “I’ll go warn Hongjoong.” Yunho spoke before running towards the upper deck. Wooyoung, instead, ran towards a rope and quickly worked his way up back up to the crows nest. 

“What do you mean your father’s navy ship?” Seonghwa turned to you, but remained calm as he spoke. “It’s our royal navy ship, used for only transporting the king and queen. But something is seriously wrong because that ship never travels alone. And my father shouldn’t know where you guys are.” You spoke quickly. Internally, you were honestly panicking, but you tried your best to calm your nerves. Seonghwa muttered a curse under his breath. 

You watched as the ship came closer. Yunho must have took Hongjoong about it since you felt the ship slowing down. You looked up to see Wooyoung adjusting the sails as the ship steadily came to a slow pace. You heard footsteps and turned to see Hongjoong and Yunho talking down from the upper deck. “Go get the main crew, we can’t fight a navy ship.” Hongjoong spoke to Yunho. He quickly nodded before running off to the under decks. Hongjoong didn’t waste time before he turned and glared at you. He quickly made his way over to you. “I knew we shouldn’t have kept you.” Before he could be in front of you, Seonghwa put his arm in front of you before stepping in front of you. “This isn’t her fault. They shouldn’t know she’s here and from what she’s said, that ship doesn’t travel alone.” Seonghwa backed Hongjoong away from you, glaring now at Seonghwa. You turned back to see the ship slowly approaching the side of the ship. You backed away from the side of the ship. 

You turned when you heard footsteps to see Yunho coming back up with 2 boys, one you saw earlier and one you didn’t recognize. You heard a door creak open to see San and Yeosang walk out of what you decided to call Hongjoong quarters. Seonghwa and Hongjoong turned as the ship appeared at the side of the ship, backing up to stand with the rest of the main crew. San was the one that walked over to you and stood a little ways in front of you. The navy ship slowed, and you had to look up as it was several feet higher. 

You watched as your father revealed himself over the side of the ship. He stood up on the railing before jumping and landing of the deck. Soon, several of your royal guards followed. “All of you, on your knees now!” Your father barked to the crew. Slowly they each obeyed your father, San being the last one to go down. You still being the rebellious one still, took your normal position of standing with your arms crossed. “That includes you too, (Y/N).” You rolled your eyes at him. “As if.” Your father glared at you but decided to ignore you. “I hereby place you, and everyone on this ship under arrest for kidnapping my daughter.” “Wow so now you actually care about me, when I’m not at the castle and you can’t decide my every thought for me.” Your father turned to you. “And you, Princess (Y/N), are to be sent on your way to Oreand to marry the Prince whether you like it or not. You will not set foot in the castle,” Your father took a few steps forward as he spoke, “ you are to immediately be sent in a carriage on your way. We have everything being prepared as we speak and should be ready when we arrive.” You felt your blood boil as your father spoke, but didn’t dare make a move. You knew better. 

San lift his head towards your father to look at him. You could only see the back of his head but you could assume he was glaring at your father for those words. Your father’s eyes met his and a smirk made it your father’s face. “Well, if it isn’t Prince San of the Kingdom of Priya. Haven’t seen you in years, you’re hardly recognizable now. I wonder if your family would be happy to see you.” San held his glare as you turned to look at San’s head. He was the runaway Prince of Priya? You knew something about his looks was royalty. “I knew I recognized your name.” You spoke softly, so only he could hear. He turned his head back down, as if ashamed. 

“They didn’t do anything wrong, I came to them and asked if I could join them. Just take me back and leave them out of this.” Your father chuckled darkly at your words. “You were always a bad liar, (Y/N).” There it was again, that made your blood run cold.

The glowing amber green eyes.

The man from before joined your father. The same blonde and silver hair, braided to one side, his eyes menacing as ever. “You heard your father, they kidnapped you, and needed us to find you.” He walked towards you. “Now you’re going to come back with us, go and marry your Prince, and we’ll deal with your friends here, am I clear?” He stepped closer to you, his accent clear in his voice as he spoke and his eyes slowly turning to the same green. You glanced at your father, still with his eyes glowing, but his body completely froze, almost lifeless.

“What did you do to him?” Your own darkened as you stare back at him. He only chuckled at you. “That’s not important, now I’m going to need to come with me, or we can do this the hard way.” He pulled out his sword before reaching his other hand out. Although, San got the wrong idea when his sword came out. He sprang to his feet and punched him in the side of the face. The guards on the ship ran to get San off him. “San!” You yelled at him. San could barely get another hit before he was tackled to the ground and pinned with his arm behind his back. “Don’t you dare touch her, Chan.” He spat at the man. The man you now know as Chan smirked as he crouched down, wiping some blood from his lip. 

“I’m going to do whatever I want to her. And you’re not going to do anything about it.” Chan stood up and looked back at you while San still struggled in the guards grip. “What do you say, babygirl?” “Don’t call her that!” “Would you shut up already?” Chan hissed as he kicked San in the head. “Fine I’ll with you just let him go!” You yelled. Chan smirked at you. “Alright. We’ll get going then.” You noticed as the navy ship was now facing back the way it came at the back of the ship. Guards were using chains to latch onto the ship, preparing to drag it behind them. 

The guard let go of San, walking with Chan as him and the King walked to the upper deck and walked up the chains to the navy ship, preparing to sail back to your kingdom. The guards surrounded the crew, making sure we wouldn’t do anything on the way back. You kneeled down next to San, who was now on his hands and knees, still recovering from Chan’s kick. “Are you ok?” You held him by his shoulders. He didn’t look up at you, but he managed to mutter. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you to come with us. And I should’ve told you who I was.” He coughed slightly, spitting out a bit of blood. You tilted his chin to make him look at you. His eyes held pain, and a bruise was blossoming on his jaw line. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have accepted coming with you. I was being selfish and I left someone behind. We’ll worry about you being a Prince later, ok?” You looked him in the eyes as he slowly nodded. “I’ll get us out of this, I have plans.” You spoke quietly to him in Priyis, the language of his kingdom. He smirked slightly hearing you speak his language. 

You carefully sat him up as you fumbled with your plan in your head. As you thought through the other ideas, the ship slowly started, and your journey back to your Kingdom of Cress (since apparently I haven’t mentioned the name yet) began. 

Where the Sky meets the Sea | ATEEZ x Reader Pirate AUWhere stories live. Discover now