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You stood up instantly and looked in the direction of the sound. There stood one of the men that came from the strange ship that docked this morning. He was shockingly good-looking, something you’d mistake for royalty. His hair was streaked red, and you swore his eyes could pierce through anything if you let him. He stared you down, face taut.

Why was he strangely familiar? 

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You asked him, already growing defensive. He just seemed to smirk slightly in amusement. “Thought I’d get a better greeting than that from a princess.” You looked past him to see that your window was slightly ajar. “Says the one that climbed through my window, what kind of greeting did you expect me to give you?” He just chuckled slightly at your words. “I knew you’d be a feisty one.” He stared at you, amusement all over his face.

“Why did you come here anyways?” You gained some confidence and started walking towards him slowly. It’d be better if you could get to your sword without being suspicious. He remained where he stood.

“You hate it here, don’t you?” He asked. You turned your head slightly in confusion, stopping next to your bed. “What made it obvious?” “That argument with the King wasn’t a clue?” You thought for a moment before speaking. “So what if I do hate it here?” His smirk returned. “What if I offered you a chance to get out of here?” You kept a calm exterior at those words but you felt your heart sink. “And why would you do that?” You took a step towards him. “Why not?” He followed suit. “What’s the catch?” “There is none.” “What if I don’t want to?” “Why would you refuse?” You were now both standing face to face. 

You took a second to calm down. “Why would you offer me to leave?” He looked visibly calmer too. “I know how you feel, trust me. You hate it here and you want to leave so you don’t have to face what’s to come. I also have a feeling you want to find who you are. You said you were an adopted princess?” You nodded slightly. “We’ll help you find who you are, as long as you trust me?” He smiled at you, revealing dimples you hadn’t noticed until now. You had to think for a moment. Yes, you knew more than anything you, not just wanted, but needed to get out of here before it was too late. But you didn’t expect it to come this soon. 

You sighed. He slowly made his way towards your window, but stopped with his back towards it. Your mind was screaming at you to just go with him. Thoughts of anyone else weren’t in the picture, as selfish as that may be. You took one last breath before speaking. “Fine, I’ll go with you.” You looked back up at him, his expression hadn’t changed. He briefly pointed and looked at your sword on your bed. “Let’s go then.” 

You walked over and quickly tied your sword around your waist, despite your shaking hands and racing heart. That was really happening. He held your window open as you climbed out to the ledge. This wasn’t exactly your first time sneaking out of your window. You and Zach would sometimes either go spare to help train for various things in the middle of the night. Or you’d just go bop around town together, getting into mischief.

He followed you after, shutting your window in the process. “By the way, I never got your name.” You said as you walked along the edge of the castle. He paused for a moment. “San.” 

San. You swore you’ve heard that name before.

You continued walking along until you got to a point where rock met the castle. You skillfully made your way down the rock, like you have a few times before. After a few minutes, you finally made it to the ground. You looked up to see San still making his way down. You waited until he got on the ground as well. “You’ve done that a few times, haven’t you?” “Maybe.” He huffed a bit in enjoyment and you smiled a bit. You could get used to this.

You followed after him. You thought you’d be better off asking questions later, since you didn’t want to be heard. You both hurried down the shore before reaching the dock. By that time, the sun has passed behind the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sea. You both hurry along the dock, staying as quiet as you can. 

You both approach the boat. San starts heading up the plank. You took one last look at the castle. This was it. You finally get to escape. “Princess.” San called. You look back up at him. He held his hand out for you to take. With one last glance towards the castle, you took his hand as he led you onto the boat. 

Where the Sky meets the Sea | ATEEZ x Reader Pirate AUWhere stories live. Discover now