"Mad Max." Lucas finishes, watching the car until it rides out of sight.


"Done." My mom tells me, smiling as she turns off the hair dryer.

I look at myself in the mirror. My hair was curled, and I had dark brown eye shadow and peach lip gloss-it was the best I could do, okay? This outfit is almost entirely homemade. I sigh, glancing down at my orange dress. I didn't want to wear it, but my mom picked it out and the boys insisted it was perfect and that I needed to wear it.

I slide my pillow case off my bed, throwing on my chucks and walking out the door with my mom.

"Bye." I hug my parents, before leaving my house.

"Have fun!"

It was a struggle to get on my bike with the dress, but I managed, having to hold a clump of the material in my hand as I rode down to Mike's.


I left my bike by the basement door as we were now meeting up with Will. After last years events, he had to get an escort to almost everywhere, Joyce's orders.

The car pulls up, and we all wave at him in greeting.

Lucas pretends to shoot his gun at me, and I laugh, playing along.

Soon, Will joins us, explaining that Jonathan let him go on his own, and how he gave him his camera, "Liz, pose!"

I do a random pose in front of the camera, laughing as we all start to walk down the streets of our small town.


"Trick-or treat!"

"Oh!" The lady gushes, "Well aren't you cute? The little exterminators and their firefly."

"What?" I ask, but she doesn't hear me as she holds out the bowl, all of us grabbing a hand full and pouring it into our bags, "A firefly? What?"

Will laughs, pointing the camera to me, "My best friend, the firefly."

"If I get another 3 Musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself." Lucas speaks out.

"What's wrong with 3 Musketeers?" Dustin asks.

"'What's wrong with 3 Musketeers'?" Lucas repeats in shock.

"No one likes 3 Musketeers." Mike claims.

"Yeah, It's just nougat." Will adds.

"Whoa. 'Just nougat'?" Dustin gapes, "'Just nougat'?"

"I like it." I chime in, whipping the curls out of my face.

"It's, like, top three for me." Dustin tells us.

"Top three?" Lucas asks incredulously.

"Top three." Dustin confirms with a nod.

"Oh, god. Give me a break." Mike mutters.

"Seriously, I can just eat a whole bowl of nougat. Straight up." Dustin informs us.

"That's taking it to far." I point to him.

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