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A/n: I'm no professional writer, and I publish the book immediately, no editing
So you see any mistakes, correct kindly, not rudely
If not*in Taylor's mean voice* I'll be mad, and jsyk you don't wanna make me mad😁

Read on lovelies 💓

Then the clearing of throats of Liz, Michelle, Derek and Zeke reminded me that I was still on Earth, I wasn't in Heaven anymore starting at his beautiful eyes, oh no, not beautiful, gross, I mean gross, like I said before... I believe in inner beauty, stop judging me and stare in his ocean like eyes and see if you won't picture being in heaven and that happens to be one of my favorite color.. yeah, don't judge
I'm I talking to myself now?

"Things got pretty awkward real quick" Zeke pointed out and he couldn't be more right

" To answer your question, yes this is my way of apologizing since you refused to talk to me directly, I'm sorry" He mumbled

😂😂I bet y'all forgot about that.. so you see things got pretty awkward real quick?
More popcorn please 🍿🍿
What!!!, Don't judge, I eat while reading 🍿😙🤞

I rolled my eyes
"You won't even accept my apologies!!?" He asked exasperatedly

" Yeah, yeah whatever helps you sleep at night" I replied him

" Oh,oh I'm in love with you bro, you're soooo Cool" Zeke said

" Thanks?" I posed it as a question not knowing what to say to him.
I looked at Xia, she hasn't said anything since, she shook her head, then looked at her phone
My phone beeped, message from Xia

"Hey, I'm not mad at you, but I'm really confused, I don't understand what's Jace is explaining, we'll talk later
Your house at 5?
No excuses bro 😏"

I smiled, Xia knew me so well, knowing me, I'll probably wanna spend my day alone and tried giving excuses, I looked at her and nodded my head in agreement to her text.

Looks like Michelle watched our silent conversation
"Why is it only Xia you talk to, smile at, respect...the list go on and on, you even bought her chocolate and offered her milkshake, just this morning, is anything going on with you too?" Michelle asked

" You're confused" I replied her
Seeing as she didn't get my reply, as she scrunched her eyes in confusion, I decided to put her out of her misery and explain to her.

"You just implied I had a crush on Jace, and now you're implying I like Xia my best friend.
Just so you know, Xia has been good to me, and those who has been good to me, I'm always good to them, Redhead"

" But you haven't been good to us, and we haven't been exactly bad to you, any reasons?"
I shook my head knowing I've been treating them poorly, but it's not my fault they've been acting like those cliche bad boys and girls I read in stories, I mean common Liz always wear a Leather Jacket and Michelle always wore Boots, either Timberland, Knee high, wedgies boots or her Lita shoes. I voiced this to them out loud and the started laughing.

I glared at them, I really hate saying something serious and you take it as a joke, apparently they also took my glare as a joke and increased their laughter, I was about to chop all of their heads off when Zeke said
"She just looks cutie muchie like my baby sister"

Okay, that's it, I lunged forward in hopes of reaching his head to chop it off but Jace held me immediately, I don't know what magic mojo he used but it seemed to work, because the feeling to Kill Zeke reduced, that doesn't mean I don't want to kill him though, the thirst just wasn't there"

" At least give us benefit of the doubt, and give us a chance to be friends" Zeke said with a frown, seeing such a goofy guy like him frowning got me thinking.
Then I spoke

"Friends as in snitches, back bitters, give me this, give me that, nahhh can't give, nahhh I think I'm good"

" No... friends as in backbone, people who you know gat their backs and you gat their backs too, people who will insult you with love, who will give you anything within their reach, who you would get in trouble with together, yeah those friends"
Jack surprised me by saying and by the looks of it, everyone seemed surprised too.

"What's even your thing with been lonely?"
He continued

" I'm not lonely, I got Xia".

" Sometimes many may be better than one" He backfired

" Look, you guys won't understand me
An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast, but an evil friend would wound your mind" I paused and continued
" And in a situation where I'm kinda alone in this world, no family, nothing, nada, I don't need someone who would injure my fragile mind" I continued

" Where are your parents" Derek finally said something

"No siblings?" Liz asked

"I'm not answering any" I replied solemly only if they know how I'm holding myself not to cry. And that's why I slapped you Jace cause you were talking shits about me lonely, I felt attacked
I'm sorry" I mumbled, I doubt if he could hear it.

" Finally got my name right" He mumbled

Then I laughed, he looked so cute saying that, what? Cute? Did I just say cute?

Then I realized I'm losing my composure

Then Derek asked again "what did you say about being friends?"

Shocked that Derek also wanted to be friends with me, I looked at Xia to see what she feels about it but she disappointed me by nodding her hair furiously, I shook my head, feeling like I have no choice

"Friends it is"

Yoooo... I'm here
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