Chapter 5:

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Angela's Pov

I woke up to the sound of glass breaking. It was currently 3 am. I looked beside me and Knox wasn't there and I heard screaming. "I just want some drugs man that all and I'll leave." I heard in the kitchen and I peeked around the corner to see a man holding a gun at Knox, but Knox didn't seem fazed.

"Fuck off Ricky if you know what's good for you," Knox says pulling his gun from his waist and also pointing it at Ricky.

"I asked nicely man," Ricky said it was clear as day he was about to shoot. Bullets when flying and Ricky hit the ground.

"Holy shit Angela what did you do?" Knox says looking at me and then the small black Glock 40 in my hand.

"He was going to shoot you?" I say my face calm but my hands were shaking, looking at the dead guy on the floor. "Holy shit I killed someone" I whispered.

"Hey it'll be okay, I'll call the guys and they'll get this cleaned up okay." He says and I nod my head. A few minutes later a group of guys from a gang Knox runs with to clean up the mess and then they leave just like that. Then my phone rang and it was Axel.


"Yello?" I say my voice is shaky.

"Angela, get to the hospital and call Jake dads in the hospital." He says.

End of call

All the air leaves my lounges and I drop the phone and Knox runs to me. "Cupcake what's wrong?" Oh, does he mean besides the fact that I fucking shot and killed someone?

" Jake." I breathe out grabbing my keys which Knox quickly takes and gets in the driver's seat while I call Jake. As soon as I pulled up in the parking lot just as Jake did and he ran over to me.

"What happened, who's here?" He asked out of breath.

"My dad had a heart attack," I say and he lets out a breath of relief and frown. "Oh thank god!" He says and I punch him.

"What the fuck."

"No, you don't understand me and your brothers got in a fight earlier." He says and I stand there unamused.

"Well um anyway Axel said he was in room 201, Knox and I were just going in," I say and for the first time, he nods at Knox and then walks straight to the hospital door. "What was that about?" I ask Knox.

"He called you earlier and I told him you were asleep. I guess he doesn't like that." He stated and I shrugged and grabbed his hand.

"Into the hospital, we go," I say walking to the room instantly spotting my dad lying on the bed. "So is the asshole going to live?" I ask blankly.

"Angela, he's our dad!" Axel yells.

"And...You told me he hit you why should I give a fuck what happens to him or Mrs.whores a lot?" I asked, taking the chance to look at my 'stepmom'.

"He's not going to make it, Angie," Jacob says, speaking up for the first time tonight and I notice that he has a bruise on his cheek. If my dad wasn't dying I'd deck him in the fucking throat.

"Oh..How long does he have?" I ask. I mean he was still my father no matter how sucky he is.

"About two days, turns out the bastard has cancer, that surprise surprise he didn't tell anyone about and it's really bad sis," Jacob says scoffing toward the end.

"Of course he didn't, stubborn till the end. I bet if things went his way we wouldn't have found out until he collapsed on the ground or died in his sleep," I say rolling my eyes.

"Your father is dying and all you guys can talk about is how he didn't tell you your all heartless children!" Sarah yells and I look at her long and hard. She did realize she was basically my father's sugar mama right...

"Well, maybe I would care if he wasn't a heartless bastard he has never once paid for anything I have. I got everything I got by myself or from my mom and let's talk about living. I have basically lived with Knox since mom died don't even talk about me being heartless because that man," I scream, pointing at my father, "Stopped being a father to me the day my mother took her own life and honestly it was years before that." I finished with tears in my eyes walking out the door and slammed it closed. I walked to an empty room and put my hand over my mouth to muffle my cries and slowly slid down the wall. The door creaked open. "Go away, Knox," I say, not bothering to look up as I silently cried into my hands.

"It's me, Knox wanted to come but his dad called and I told him I had it," Jake said quietly and I just nodded. "You know I thought the time I heard you crying at your house was scary but I was wrong seeing you crying but not hearing you is by far the worst thing I've ever witnessed." He finished and I sniffled and looked at him.

"Why are you here, don't you hate me?" I asked through tears.

"Of course I don't hate you." He said, crouching down and grabbing my chin making me look at him. "Non potrei mai odiarti amore mio" I don't know much Italian but that much I understood. ( I could never hate you, my love).

"Il Mio Amore?" I ask.

"Don't think too much about it, okay?" he says and I nod and he pulls my lips onto his. After a few seconds, we pull apart.

"We've gotta stop doing that." I breathe out.

"You're right, you're with Knox." He says shaking his head.

"Yeah...Knox, I have to go check on him." I said quickly standing yep as does he. I press my head to his for a few seconds before dashing out of the room.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked myself once I got a little way down the hall.

"Angelia hey thank god I found you we have to go. My dad needs me." Knox says stopping me in the hallway.

"Can't I stay a while longer I could get a ride wi-"

"Now Angella!" He ordered sternly. I froze for a minute and he roughly gripped my arm. My body shook a bit before I began moving.

"Yeah let's go, I'll just send the guys a text," I whipped out my phone and headed to the car. 


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