Chapter 2

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I am litterly so sorry for that chapter one lmao. I'll try my best to make this story intresting. :^

Y/n': Dad are they here yet?
Dad: There here come say hi!

Y/n' POV:
I head down the stairs to meet my step brother and little sister for the first time. I wasn't happy bc I never thought I would have a step mom :/ I miss my real mom so much. When my dad opend the door I saw this kinda cute boy...

Dad: y/n' This is ure step brother mattia and ure step sister maiya. This is also ure step mom her name is Rebbca.
Y/n': Hey! Maiya and mattia nice to meet you
Mattia: Nice to meet you to!

Maiya ran to me and gave me a big hug. She was so cute. Maiya was only thirteen years old I never had like a step sister. I was kind of exited. When I said hey to mattia he looked me in the eye and just smiled. I smirked and just went to the kitchen.

Dad: Y/n' Go show ure step brother were his room is, it should be next to yours.
Y/n': Ok dad
Y/n':Mattia follow me, ure roo, is next to mine upstairs.
Mattia: oh ok!
Y/n': So this is ure room also, it's bigger than mine so ure lucky lol.

We both just laughed. He smiled at me I just looked at him and walked out..

Mattia POV
Idk why but I thought my sister was so pretty I couldn't stop looking at her. Wierd Ik it was wrong I just couldn't help it. Idk :/ were not blood related or anything but still.

*End of mattia POV*

When I always see mattia I always blush idk why. It's hard not to look at him everytime we walk by eachother. It's really wierd bc he's my step brother. Did I start to have feelings for my step brother?!?!?!?!?! Oh No! I couldn't help myself I think I did we just met and the moment we made eye contact i- i- idk. HELP!!

I was going through alot already I have been bullied alot and I lost my mo, and my dad has been with a lot of girls and I HATE IT it's so annoying. That's why I go to the roof and just get weed and smoke it helps me relax also, music.

It was getting late so I decided to post on my insta cause why not I was bored and had nothing to do.

It was getting late so I decided to post on my insta cause why not I was bored and had nothing to do

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    Lovely.Y/n': Goodnight baby's see you tomorrow ♡♡♡
Mattiapolibio*: Gn!
Kairi*: Ayyeee gn
Lovely.Y/n: Liked your comment                                    
I went to bed! Tommorow was my first day of school I was kinda worried bc people would make fun of me. Idk why they just did.
*Next Morming*
I woke up to a alarm it was 7:55 school started at 9:00pm so I got ready really quick and put on this <

*Next Morming*~Monday~I woke up to a alarm it was 7:55 school started at 9:00pm so I got ready really quick and put on this <

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I actually liked my outffit for once!
I finished getting ready and we were all ready to go.
Mattia: Ayyeee hurry up! Get in he car we get
Y/n': Alright hold up
Mattia: Mom! Your dropping off maiya to school right?
Stepmom: yea!
I was sitting next to mattia I felt his eye on me I just didn't look. Idk why he was staring at me. So I said....
Y/n': ummm... so do you have freinds at this school?
Mattia: ya! Of I do where known as the NJ boys
Y/n': Oh ok
We finally got there and I had all eye on me. I saw guys whispering about me I didn't care. I could careless at this point. Mattia introduced me to his freinds I saw kairi...
I was shock I didn't know he was freinds with mattia but I didn't care I just ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

Y/n': OMGGG I missed you smmm
Kairi: Ik I did tooo! ♡

Roshun: Hey cutie my name is, Roshun
Y/n': oh hey Roshun
Alejandro: Hey!
Y/n': Hey
They were all cool but we had to go to our classes. Mattia asked the boys if they wanted to come over. They said ok!
*Skipping to after school cause why not*
It was after school and the boys were coming over. Me and mattia were waiting in his room. He tapped me on the shoulder and said "Your very pretty" with a smile on his face. I said ty mattia I blushed a little. He kept looking into my eyes.
He was leaning over and kissed me....I as shock we both were. He said "OMG I'm so sorry I did that I just fell into ure spell bc ure so pret ty and ure eyes-" I cut him off and said it's fine I also, said wow ure lips are soft lmao.
We both laughed.
*Later on the boys finally came they took forevverrr!*
Y/n':Hey guys!
All the boys: Hey! Y/n'

Step Brother mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now