Chapter 33

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I snuck away from the party and headed towards my room.

"Good evening Y/N aren't you supposed to be at the party?" Henry questioned.

"Yeah I got tired" I said placing my new watch on.

"I sense a little sarcasm" Henry retorted.

"We're going to New York tonight. Me and you. I have a feeling something is not right with Pete" I said packing a small bag of necessities.

"You would worry everyone here Y/N" Henry said.

"Henry we will be fine. I have you and if anything goes wrong I can just portal out of here"  I said placing my hands out attempting to create a portal.

"What the- it's not working?" I said panicking.

"It could be a side effect of the surgery" Henry stated.

"I see your anxiety levels are high, maybe calming down will help?" Henry said.

"I don't have anxiety!" I yelled.

"I now sense some anger-

"ALRIGHT! I get it!" I said trying to shut Henry up.

"I don't get it I did this earlier today. Henry I need another way out of here" I said.

"You can go to the garage. There should be plenty of transportation" Henry said pulling up a map of the facility.

"Perfect!" I said walking out my door.

I heard small arguing coming my way and I began to panic.

"Turn invisible!" I thought to myself in a panic.

Just as I thought that Thor came around the corner with Loki.

"I told you to stay home!" Thor argued.

"Home? There I am treated like rubbish!" Loki snapped.

I placed my hand around my mouth to limit my breathing.

"I don't know what your intentions of being here are but I can sense they are no good" Thor said staring him down.

"I'm giving you one more chance to redeem yourself brother" With that said Thor angrily stomped away as Loki followed.

Before turning the corner we made eye contact and he smirked.

"How can he see me? I got to get to the garage" I thought as I sprinted down the halls.

"Henry the door is locked" I said trying to push the door.

"On it-

"Y/N, you do not have access to this area" Friday said cutting off Henry.

"Henry override Friday and unlock this door"


"All done miss" Henry said. "But it won't be long until Tony finds out you are down here.

I looked around the garage at the many cars.

"God I don't know what to-

A bright shining wheel of a motorcycle caught my attention.

"That one!" I placed the helmet on and before I knew it the avengers facility was out of sight.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"How much longer until May's apartment?" I asked Henry. I had been driving for at least 3 hours ignoring the frantic calls from everyone wondering where I was.

My Neighbor  Reader x Peter Parker  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora