Chapter 3

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The car ride to Ned's house consisted of  short stops along the road for me to throw up. "God I feel like shit." I said holding my stomach as we walked up to Ned's house.

"No throwing up all over the place please, I'm not supposed to have people over" he pleaded. "Ned will you grab them more water, maybe some tums, and an Advil" Peter asked.

"You alright there?" "Yeah, I just haven't done this kind of stuff since my dad-" "N-never mind" I said.

Ned came back with water for me. "Thanks" I smiled. I drank half of the water along with my Advil.

"I'll take the couch if that's fine." I said quietly walking towards the living room.

"Oh no no, I'll sleep on the couch." Peter insisted.

"I'll get the blow up mattress." Ned added.

"Are you sure Peter? That's very kind of you."

"Anything for Ms. Aussie." He smiled bowing concealing his blush.

2:00am, my phone read. Damn time really flys by will having fun...if you call this fun....I guess.

Ned ended up setting the mattress in the living room along with giving me one of his shirts to put on. The shirt was a nerdy Star Wars picture with Kylo Ren on it. It ended up going a little bit past my thighs.

"Wow this shirt is so nerdy Ned." I said walking out of the bathroom. "Nerdy Ned...that's your new nickname." I turned around towards Peter and Ned.

Their eyes big and mouths agape. "I-uh-gotta-yep!" Peter and Ned scrambled around trying to hide the fact that they were staring.

"Goodnight boys" I teased as I tucked into the mattress and fell asleep......

We probably all slept in until about 11:30ish....well Peter bailed on us, I have no idea when. All I knew is that he left, folded the blankets and put the pillows back nicely.

I rubbed my eyes and went into Ned's room. "Ned....Ned." I said poking him. "Peter left" I whispered. "It's normal."
He muttered rubbing his eyes.

"So he just bails without telling you?" "Basically, but he says he needs to help his aunt" He explained. "Oh" I said sitting on Ned's bed. "Gosh I should get going soon." I said placing my head down at the opposite side of the bed letting my Y/HC hair flow down.

"Do you really? I mean I could make breakfast?" Ned said. I shot up at the word breakfast. We both looked at each-other for a good 5 seconds. "Waffles!" We both shouted.
"I'll get the ingredients!" I shouted running into the kitchen. "I'll grab the waffle iron!"

Our waffles ended up being kinda good. But we forgot to add more sugar. But waffles are waffles. After our waffles I helped Ned clean his house so it looked perfect for when his parents came home.

"Thanks for the help!" Ned called as I climbed into the Uber. "Anytime Nerdy Ned!"

I came back to the apartment unloading the rest of the boxes for my mom so when she comes back from work she won't need to worry.
My phone lit up and a text from Mum showed.

Mum: You are not going to believe what happened! Mr. Stark invited us to dinner tonight!

I threw my phone across the room.

Y/FN~ Your father's name
Y/HC ~ Your hair color

Wohooo chapter tres. I should probably come up with a schedule for updating maybe twice a week idk. Vote and comment I want to see y'all commenting to I can respond!! Love y'all!


My Neighbor  Reader x Peter Parker  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora