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A fat Indian wedding.

It's very common in our India to get married, what yeah I know in every country people get married. But in India its special, a different wedding, a richly wedding, wait but isn't India considered as a poor country.

Yeah, it is considered one because of the high ratio of poverty in our Country.

Yet poor people are too wedded in a prodigal way.

A marriage is more than a celebration inviting hundreds of people to bless you.

Although it's not necessary everyone is there to bless you some are there to judge the bride or the arrangements done by her family.

Getting married at the age of 24, soon when I was ready to start my dream , was the wildest nightmare of my life.

I am Preeti Sharma, a teacher and a book worm. It was my dream to complete my education and open up an NGO for underprivileged kids and teach them on a very big scale

Teaching was like an essence of life for me. My teachers admired me to follow this as a profession. I like to mould people, change their way to see the world, teaching for me is not a job rather it is the way to be in contact with people who need me.

Financially I am from a very wealthy Punjabi family, they love me for what I am.
They wanted me to be a doctor because of my grades but I always wanted to be a teacher.

I teach kids, any sort of kids, of any class.
I never charged a penny from any of them. It's not that I need money , my dad is really wealthy to support me and my mere expenses.

I generally visit villages of Uttarakhand to teach kids the basics, mostly the methods of studying, self learning and all.

Everyone in our country is well aware of the poor education system and the rate of literacy is very poor too.

It's my dream to see India as the most literate nation. There must be many people who would be just like me helping others but I have never met anyone.

Many people say that I am just wasting my time, I should get a proper job and start earning rather than teaching those poor people who won't get any success anyways.

But I think really differently, I think that the unfortunate ones when get the opportunities, they are way more successful and respect their work even more.

I am getting married today to a rich businessman , it's an arranged marriage. I have met him twice and we talk daily over phone. Rihaan Malhotra, he is really a sweet person and appreciates me at every point. He is 28years old, I know the difference between both of us is alot, I mean 5 years apart. But it's fine as my mummy is 10 years younger than papa.

Grandma is 15 years younger than grandpa so, they say it's ok. He is mature than me which is a great deal and he will handle me just fine.

I am marrying because of many reasons specifically the one where he supports me. In a few conversation which we had, he always seemed generous and a great human being. His way of life may be quite different from mine but he understands my way of living.
He says that he is proud of me to be a teacher and he is proud of my ways of life. He even promised me that I can work as I want after marriage.

I am happy that I am going to marry a person who understands me, my different ways of life.

So here I am on my wedding day , overly dressed in a heavy lehenga and a tonne of makeup on my beautiful face.

The wedding started with a calm pace where everyone was busy dancing enjoying themselves and creating a havoc at our house.

Cousins, and even the cousin's cousins are invited ,and were drunk and dancing.

I know I am a lucky daughter of India whose father is a rich businessman of the country so for him spending this much money just on a wedding is not a great deal but believe me there are thousands , may be millions of people who can't afford to marry their daughters in our country.

Dowry is another concern of many people of our country. People don't ask for dowry openly nowadays, but you know what they say, "You can Gift your daughter whatever you like to"

I mean great, they have started giving dowry another name , it's Gifts now...

Rihaan never asked for anything as gifts for their daughter. I loved that part of him. He just said that " I just want your daughter uncle ji and nothing else, she herself is a gift for me."

Awe isn't that cute. Rihaan is an amazing human being to be kind enough to understand this.

Papa and Mummy are equally happy to marry their one and only child to such a  person.

Rihaan's family is same as mine. They all are so excited for me to enter their house and shine it. My mother in law seems a little forward with me. She started talking about her unborn grandchildren much before the date of the wedding was even decided.

They all are just elated to marry their one and only child, I guess.

We live in a very beautiful valley town , Dehradun in Uttarakhand.

God!!! I am gonna miss this place!!! It's heavenly!

I am getting married in Delhi where my in-laws lives and moving to Mumbai where my would be husband works.

I am surely a lucky woman to marry someone like this.

He has a beautiful soul, I am sure I am never gonna regret marrying him.

.....the beautiful beginning.......

Hope so everything turns out to be as beautiful as it seems.....

This novel really holds a very special place in my heart.

I never for once thought I would be writing a novel on such a soft subject but see here I am writing about the miseries of the Indian Women....

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