WAit. Youre not allowed to use them anymore since youre a civilian now.. tEchnically.

You are correct. I don't want to bother Alfred though, that's a long drive. Perhaps I can attempt to use a public transport.

Dude no way! Even I don't ride those!
Srssly, its dirty and crowded and nO

EW, don't

I'll just pick u up!



Plans set! Oh gtg

Just got to school

If I have my phone out again during class I'll get a detention...


Damian found his own school in view and readied his bag. He was first to slide out of the car followed by Tim. While they walked towards the entrance, he couldn't help but notice the odd looks sent their way. "Drake, did you do something? I don't believe I did anything. Why is everyone staring at us?" Tim smiled a little, it was forced. "I may have accidently almost destroyed my science classroom with my experiment yesterday. Because of that, I was suspended from the advanced tech and coding club for all of next week. I'm surprised they haven't told Bruce yet."

That. Explains the caution tape.

"You're an idiot."

Tim wrapped an arm around Damian's neck. "Hm, do you love me then? You call Jon an idiot and you're clearly in love with him so-."

"Oh my goodness, how can you think that! There's nothing between Kent and I! And. . . you're the least tolerable of the family!" Tim snickered. "Really? You haven't thrown me to the ground yet."

And he had a point.

With a smirk, Tim jabbed Damian's chest. "Admit it, you like all the brotherly affection we've been giving you lately. Jason's right, you're more tolerable as a normal teenager."

There were some calls of Damian's name that made them both stop in their tracks. "And look at that, you have friends too. Maybe I'll just drop being a hero, I'll get a chance to be normal for once." Damian didn't know if he liked that idea but he couldn't pin exactly why. Tim shook his head. "No, I can't leave Dick to deal with Jason alone. I can't believe you're Jason's favourite brother now."


"Wait. You're serious?" Tim smiled and lightly pushed him away. "Go, go, your friends are waiting. I'll see you tomorrow after your sleepover."

Tim turned away and entered the large prestigious school alone. Damian reluctantly let him go off but a smile quickly replaced his frown when he found his group of friends.

And as it has been for the past three weeks, school flew by quickly. All the lost time of his childhood was finally being returned to him so he was enjoying every millisecond of it to the absolute fullest. It was difficult for him to explain how real friends made him feel. But it felt great to be valued and wanted for once. Before, he stood by the sides in school, unwanted by all his classmates in sports and friend groups. He never minded either because he didn't need them to like him. They already liked him as Robin.

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