Badly Worded Meeting

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Kara and Barry's was 'a long way away from people'. They met when Barry accidentally jumped Earths –messing with the frequency of the two universes, merging them together– just as Kara fell out of a skyscraper. Barry had run up the building, caught her, and ran them into a desert away from people.

Alex and Maggie's was 'murdered, not listening'. They met at a crime scene and Maggie wasn't fooled by Alex's (fake) FBI badge. The case was hers and it would remain that way.

Winn hasn't found his soulmate yet, but the words on his forearm of his left arm (non-dominant) read 'a place of high energy, it’ll be hot'

No one was excited for him. All the marks have different meanings, and his was no different.

You see, when someone is born, the get a very badly worded description of how they’ll meet their soulmate on the forearm of their non-dominant arm. They disappear when you meet your other half.

Alex has 20 bucks he'll meet his soulmate at a coffee shop. Maggie bets it'll be at a strip club.

Kara tells them not to bet, but agrees with Alex. Winn's not the type to go to a strip club.

It was Saturday. Game night.

"You're late," Alex said as she opened the door to Caitlin's apartment to Winn.

"Hello to you to, Alex," he said sarcastically with a smile as he walked in.

In the living room was Kara, Barry, Caitlin Snow, Maggie, and Alex.

"Where's James?" He asked as he sat on the couch next to Caitlin.

"He's in Florida, remember?" Kara reminded him.

"Oh, right."

"So, what are we playing this week?" Barry asked.

"We are playing Jenga!" Caitlin said as she held up the box she got from seemingly nowhere.

They got the tower set up and Alex looked at Barry and Kara, "You know the rules, no powers or you're disqualified."

They both nodded and the gane started.

After ten long minutes, Winn's phone rang.

He looked at the group apologetically and told them to keep going and to skip him as he walked into the kitchen to talk.

It was Lucy Lane.


"Hey, Winn, think you could do me a favor?"

"Depends. What is it?"

"Coffee? I'm working late at the DEO and as director, I'm not allowed to leave until I get this paperwork done. And there isn't even a coffee machine here! Can you believe that? I dont want to ask Kara or Barry to get it because they could be needed for superhero-ing, and I don't want to ask Alex or Maggie because I don't think they really like me, James isn't here, and I don't trust anyone at the DEO except Vasquez, but she's at home home, sick. Please, Winn?"

"Fine. I'll be there in 15 minutes, 20 max."

"Thank you!"

"What kind of coffee? Straight black?"

"Haha 'straight'. But yes, please."

"Alright, be there soon."

"Thank you again, you're a lifesaver!"

Winn hung up after Lucy did and walked back into the living room.

"Hey, Lucy called. She's working late and wanted me to get her coffee, so I'll be back."

"Alright." "Okay." "See ya soon." "Bye." "Have fun."

Just as he closed the door, he heard the tower collapse.


"Thank you." Winn said to the barista as he was handed Lucy's coffee.

Just as he turned around, he was almost knocked over by a guy with shoulder-length black hair when the guy was shoved.

"Ow," The coffee Winn was holding spilled onto the both of them and it burned.

"Shit, sorry." The guy apologized as he got napkins and handed them to Winn and went to dry his own shirt.

"Its fine. Thanks."

As he was trying to dry himself, he noticed something...

The (very badly worded) words were gone.

"You... You're my..."

So the other guy noticed too, huh.

Winn stuck out his hand.

"Um... Hi, I'm Winn Schott, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too. Cisco Ramon."


"Guys, this is my soulmate-"

"Cisco?" Barry asked, surprised.

"Yes- wait, you know him??"

"Yeah, he's our best friend." Caitlin told him.

"So, anyways," Maggie interfered, glancing at Alex, "where'd you meet?"

"Noonan's." Alex was handed a 20 dollar bill. "We literally bumped into each other." Cisco said.

"More like you ran into me."

"I was shoved!"

"You still ran into me."

"I wouldn't have if that guy didn't shove me."

"So should we thank him?"

"For what? Shoving me?"

"Yes. If he didn't, you would have never ran into me, meaning we never would've met."



"We're still not thanking him."

Sorry if it's trash

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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