Chapter 6: Hail The Emperor

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You and your father move in a circle while in defensive position, slowly waiting for the inevitable. The army watches in silence.

Clementine is fearing for your life. She knows that you're well trained, but so is your father.

Father: You think that lighting flowing through your sword makes you a god?

You: No...

You stop moving and get into a different fighting stance.

You: it makes me a legend.

Father then charges at you and tries to stab you, but you dodge and hit him with the side of your sword, making him slightly stunned. You take this as an advantage and you try kicking him, but he grabs ahold of your leg and tackles you to the ground.

He tries to stab you, but you block his sword out of the way and kick him off. You get up and slash at him, but he dodges.

You try to strike him overhand, but he blocks that; but when your sword hit his, it sent lightning down his sword and it chipped the side.

Your father then strikes at your sword over and over and over again, knocking you to the ground while you defend yourself. He strikes again, but this time when you block, you send his sword to the side.

You get up and charge at him and grab ahold of your fathers waist, trying to tackle him. While you charge he elbows your back, but it doesn't faze you. You bring him to the ground and try to send your sword into his throat, but he dodges to the side, sending your sword into the ground.

He rolls you over and begins punching you, you block some of the punches, but not all of them. You then head butt him and roll him over and proceed to punch him repeatedly. Your father grabs ahold of your face and takes off your helmet. He punches you off of him and crawls back to his sword, swiftly. You run to your sword, but father stabs you.

Clementine gasps.

You see your true mother stand in front of you. You gasp when you see her. She walks over to you slowly and gets on her knees to caresses your cheek.

Mother: My son... you are stronger than this. You must use what abilities I have given you.

You: I don't remember them...

Mother: Because you do not see clear enough. You must open your mind and tell yourself to remember. You need to convince your thoughts that you can do what most cannot dream of. The only thing that stands between your people's freedom is him... she says pointing at your frozen father ...and you. She says pointing at you.

You look down.

You: ...I'm not strong enough...

Mother: You ARE strong enough. I know so. Your brother knows so. The empire knows so. Louis knows so... And Clementine knows so. All that you need now is to have YOU know so... Now get up... and take the throne away from your father.

Father leans in and whispers in your ear.

Father whisper: I will kill you, just like I killed your grandfather.

You feel the sword in your back as father tries to push it in deeper, but you grab ahold of it and pull it out. It's painful, but at the same time, it felt so... powerful.

Your eyes begin to turn on fire and you feel your palms begin to have flames come from them. You hold the sword and turn around.

Father looks at your eyes and is now afraid, which is what you sense. You aren't afraid... you're angry.

You squeeze onto your fathers blade and its metal melts in your hands, which does not faze you. 

You push your father back ten yards. You march towards him and you bring your sword to your hand with levitation. Lightning flows through your sword.

You stop moving after about fifteen feet and you raise your sword in the air and you slash it down to the ground, causing a bolt of lighting to strike your father.

He's on the ground, burned. You walk towards him slowly while healing your stab wound. You get to him and you take off all of his armor. You take off the clothes he wore underneath, leaving only his braies.

You reach out your hand and spray ice over his whole body, except for his head. Your eyes return to normal, and your sword no longer has lighting flowing through it. You stick your sword in the ground and get on one knee and whisper.

You whisper: You will feel this cold and heat for your remaining seconds as the most horrid emperor to ever rule...

You watch your father die slowly. He takes his last breath and closes his eyes. You take your sword from the ground and you cut off the corpse's head. You hold the head by its hair and you stand. You look at the head.

You toss it to the side.

The emperor is dead.

There's a silence in the battlefield until a soldier breaks it.

Soldier: Hail the emperor...

You turn around to see a soldier on one knee. The other soldiers look at him and then at you.

A/N: I do not own this song, or this movie. This is from the movie "The King" on Netflix. They are not paying me to play this either, but I do highly recommend that you watch it. It's actually the movie that inspired me to write this, so if you do watch it you'll see a few similarities to this book.

While the song plays
A few other soldiers then kneel.

Soldiers: Hail the emperor.

More soldiers from the other side of the others then kneel.

Soldiers: Hail the emperor.

You're turning to see everyone around you get on one knee and continue to say "hail the emperor."

You walk towards the tents and pass soldiers who get on one knee and say "hail the emperor" as you walk by.

You walk by hundreds of people who get on one knee and say "hail the emperor" as you walk by them.

You make it a large opening in the center of all of the tents and you see everyone around get off their knees and walk towards you. They all give you about ten yards of space around you. Thousands of people around you start to chant...

Soldiers: Hail the emperor! Hail the emperor! Hail the emperor! Hail the emperor! Hail the emperor! Hail the emperor! Hail the emperor!

You do a "punch the sky" and everyone starts cheering for you. You turn 360 degrees while still holding your fist above your head.

You spot Clementine and Louis cheering for you. You stop spinning and you gesture for them to come and join you.

They walk towards the center and join you. They also do a "punch the sky."

All hail the emperor of Megaris.

Hail The Emperor, A Clementine x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now