Chapter 5: Duel of Randers

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You walk down the halls of the palace with your armor in backpacks. Two guards run down the hall to try and stop you.

Guards: Stop, in the name of the emperor!

You make it to them and they try to swing their swords, but you catch them and send a shock of lighting down their swords, causing them to get electrocuted and have a spasm on the floor.

Louis: That was incredible!

You make it to the stables and you all get on horses. You all ride out of the palace.

You make it to a dock with large wooden ships.

Louis: How long will this trip take?

You: A week, at most.

Louis sighs.

You get off of the horses and make your way to a large ship.

Louis: Any idea on how to make this thing work?

You: Not at all.

You then remember a spell that your mother taught you.

You: Give me a moment.

You sit down with your legs crossed.

Louis: What are you-

Clem: Shh.

You hold out your hands with your palms faced up and concentrate. You close your eyes for about ten seconds and you clench your fists.

Louis: What did that-

You then hear footsteps behind Louis and Clem. They turn around to reveal themselves to be an entire ghost crew.

You stand up and see all of the ghosts kneel in front of you. You walk to the ghost in front and take out your sword. You place the sword on his left shoulder, then his right.

You: I dub thee, captain.

He looks up and stands. He shakes your hand. The captain turns around and talks to his crew.

Captain: Let's get this ship moving!

All the men stand and start to untie the ship from the dock.

You walk over to Clem and Louis to watch what they're all doing.

Louis: ...Well that was something.

Clem: How did you do that?

You chuckle.

You: Don't know.

You pat Louis on the arm and walk away.

Clem's POV
You watch the prince walk away. Louis looks at you and then at him, then back to you. He smirks.

Louis: You like him, do you not?

You looks at him in shock.

Clem: W-what?! N-no, of course not!

Louis: I see it in the way you look at him.

Clem: I do not know what you're talking about.

Louis: Mhm.

Clem: Ugh.

You walk away from Louis and towards Y/N, who's resting his foot on the railing of the ship.

Your POV
You feel a breeze blow on your face. Clem walks up to you.

Clem: Sire.

You sigh.

You: I already told you; you don't have to address me as royalty.

Clem: I'm only teasing. She says with a smile.

Hail The Emperor, A Clementine x Male Reader StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora