I plopped myself into my seat taking in a deep breath

I watched as Curious George walked into the class. Fuck my life

We made eye contact, his eyes burning into mine as he took a seat beside me, without breaking eye contact. I took out my notebook and started scribbling random stuff. I could hear all the girls giggling and talking about him like he's a piece of meat

"What are you writing?" he asked from beside me

I did the same thing this morning and ignored him

From the corner of my eye I saw his hand reaching toward mine as if he wanted to grab a hold of my hand again so I quickly withdraw my hand before he could make contact

"Do NOT touch me,"  I said through gritted teeth

"Someone's bitchy," 

"Look, what I said in the halls were plain facts, and if you don't like what I said then you can simply suck it,"

The teacher walked in and all he's done so far is annoy me. Reminding me how low I am on the chain and how I should respect him more and all that bull-crap 

"You can stop talking now, I get it. You don't have to say the same thing a million times for me to understand," I stared straight ahead trying to pay attention to the teacher

"I don't like that tone, fix it,"

"Excuse you," I looked at him baffled by him words

"Did I stutter? I command you to fix your tone of voice," he cocked his head to the side

"Never in my life have I met someone as self centered and disgusting as you are," I spat. My father excluded of course

"Aw, i'm flattered you think so. It truly is a blessing, isn't it," he placed a hand over his chest

Just breathe, don't let him get to you

"You look upset, what's the matter?" he nudged me


"Bitchy girl, i'm talking to you,"


 He then proceeded to poke my cheek repeatedly, annoying the heck out of me

"Servant bitch, answer me,"

"SERVANT BITCH!" I snapped

"Now you answer me," he rolled his eyes. "Anyways you got any snack on you, I want something to munch on," he propped  his elbow on the desk, resting his chin in the palm of his hand, his other hand still poking my cheek

I swear to God

I slapped his hand away from me

"Did you just fucking slap me," he growled

"You've been upsetting and annoying me since yesterday and i'm sick and tired of it. I have enough bullshit to put up with already and I don't need to come to school and put up with even more from an arrogant, man- whore who thinks that the world revolves around him, so fuck off," I breathed

"Did she just slap him, what a bitch," I heard a girl say from behind me

"She's lucky to even be sitting beside him," her friend said

I turned to meet their icy glare, a scowl on their faces and I could care less. I didn't try to hide the disgust written all over my face

"Does it look like I care what you have to put up with," I turned back to him

"you're the one-,"

"Shut up, i'm talking now. You don't talk when i'm talking and i'm sure you already know why. You don't get to touch me, talk to me unless I talk to you, look at me too hard or even as much as think about me and that's how it will stay because you are BENEATH me. Get that through your thick skull," he pushed the center of my forehead with him index finger before getting up and taking his leave and the teacher made no attempt to stop him

What the actual fuck just happened. He's the angry one, after everything he's said and done to me? He doesn't get to be angry. I should walk after him just to kick him in the balls.

The more I talk to him the more I want to hit him in the head with a chair and put him in a coma

 At one point he's trying to have a friendly conversation and the next he's provoking me and telling me how worthless I am, as if I don't already know 

The bell rang signalling third period

As I made my way to my class I think I see him through the ocean of people, taking a girl by the hand and carrying her somewhere which she goes willingly. I don't even want to know what he's going to do

I walked into class and sat in my seat, the seat beside mine, that belongs to Curious George, is empty. Thank God

About half a hour into the class guess who decides to come strolling in, no other thank Curious George himself. His hair ruffled, shirt wrinkled and a smirk playing on his lips

He ignores the teacher who continues to call after him and sits directly beside me, even having the audacity to bring his seat closer to mine

"Why are you sitting beside me? I thought I wasn't up to your level," I glanced at him

"What ever made you think that?"

I turned my gaze away from him

Moments later my gaze shifted back to him to see him flirting with a girl, a girl which I've never seen in this class before. Is she skipping her class to talk to him?

As if he could feel that I was looking at them he turned to me and gave me a wink

I think i'm gonna be sick. How can one person be so freaking bipolar

I kept my gaze as he turned back around to flirt with the girl. They were talking too low so I couldn't quite hear what they were saying

The girl then looked over his shoulder and made eye contact with me

"Do you need something?"

"Nope, just listening to you being a whore. But don't let me stop you, please, continue,"I smiled

"I don't even know you and I already don't like you,"

"You're not the first and you surely won't be the last, join the line,"

""Why are you trying to listen to our conversation?" he turns his whole body to face me

"What can I say, i'm curious," I smirked

"Curiosity kills the cat," he repeats the line I used yesterday

Why am I talking to him? I diverted my gaze away from him and to the front of the class where the teacher is talking about something that I really wasn't paying attention to so I have no clue what she's saying

The rest of the day flew by quickly and now I was making my way to my part-time job. I got there just in time, changing into my work outfit. 

Moments later the bell chimes and I look up to see Curious George and his groupies. I watched as they made their way to the same booth. I locked eyes with him, a mischievous grin playing on his lips

Give me a freaking break

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