" There's a reason why the academy remains a secret. There's an entrance somewhere from the avenue of the first borough. I am unsure where. But it won't matter since we are going to get into the academy through the sewage canals underground. You'll have a better chance if you break into it using explosives. There's a room where they keep the beasts and Gulgra animals. That's where you should enter and unleash the animals to create a distraction."

Bjon shrugged. "I can only trust you."

Wylmon's gaze drifted from the map to Bjon's face and he said, "Then do. Stop questioning me."

"You're coming with us into the first borough. I'm only paying you if you guide us to the right spot."

"If you wish so. But I am not getting inside the school. In any case, you're right that the perimeter around the target is too wide for now. It's been four years since I left the academy. I'll be there tonight to get a more precise view so that we know where you should place the explosives underground."

"I'm coming with you," Amyra said.

"Amyra, you're wanted. It's dangerous."

"So is Wylmon. If anything happens—"

"It's considerate of you, but you don't need to worry about me," Wylmon said.

"I not doing this out of worry for you. You are our only chance to get into that forsaken academy. If we can both get the information we need, we will be minimizing the risks." Amyra turned to Bjon. "It will also spare you additional costs on the mission if I know where the academy is located." Amyra watched Bjon's resolve dissolve. "We never know."

Now Wylmon had his hands on his waist and was watching Amyra as if had expected for a cat where he'd found a lion.

Bjon finally nodded. Keeping his money safe from the demands of his informant trumped his concerns over Amyra possibly being caught by the guard. "All right," he said, defeated. "Remember you're not opponents. We're all in this together and up against the same enemy. When you are done, come back as soon as you can. I must go now. I'll be on guard in the royal domain for the next week."

The silence Bjon left behind him after his leave lingered for a long moment. "Well," Wylmon attempted. "You're pretty brave then. To come to the capital for your sister, manipulate the heir to the monarchy and almost hand him to Anya..." He started folding the map.

"I'm not proud of having done that."

"You aren't?" he asked, still busy with his task. "Care for some meatbread and liquor?" He tucked the map into one corner of the couch and patted the surface. "Seat's free to take."

"Yes, please."

He went to his drawers and came forward with the thick loaf. "Pork meat seasoned with yellow pepper and herbs."

"I'm not asking you for fine black pigeon meat."

"You can. You'll stay wanting, though." He filled the cups, cut generous slices, and brought the whole to Amyra on a wooden platter. "Thank the Ancients you didn't deliver him to Anya."

"You met him?"

"Under Bjon's orders."

"I gathered you won't be doing it anymore. Seeing him, I mean."

"Right," Wylmon said, started eating, and Amyra was shocked that someone could eat more obnoxiously than Bjon.

She hesitated after asking the question she was dying to let out since they met. "And—" she managed, "how is he? Heron."

Wylmon shrugged. "I hope he is well. Usually, the men I meet pour their hearts out to me by the time I've finished showing them my room. But noble ones are cagier. You want to redeem yourself in his eyes, you?"

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