Suddenly, she felt another hard kick and moved to lean against a chair. Julian asked "Are you alright?" She waited for the baby to let up before saying "Being pregnant is HELL...but I'm fine!" he started to say "I want to be in my child's life, please? I'll do anything! I want to be at your side the whole time..." He paused when his phone rang, before continuing "...I have to take this, but I promise I'm not gonna turn my back on you or our baby!" She watched as he turned around to answer his call when she felt terribly faint again. She tried to fight it, but once again lost the battle.

Julian was still on the phone when he heard something behind him. When he turned around to see what was up when he saw Tabitha laying on her back unconscious. Quickly he ended his call and ran to the mother of his child. "Tabitha? Tabitha? Come on! Please wake up darling!" He pleaded but nothing was working. "HELP! I need some help here! ANYONE!" He yelled out.

Outside, Eve was walking towards her office when she heard Julian call out for help. She ran through the curtains into the ER area and found Julian cradling Tabitha on his lap. "Julian! What happened?" She asked, taking Tabitha's hand to search for a pulse. He shrugged "She just told me she was pregnant!...Um I turned to answer my phone...I heard a thud and turned to find her here. Please help her!" Eve placed her hand on Tabitha's forehead and said: "Her pulse is fluctuating and she feels a bit feverish.." Searching in her pocket she found some smelling salts to use. Holding it up near Tabitha's nose Eve cracked the packet. They watched as Tabitha woke with a start. "...Julian..." She said tiredly. He held her and told her "I'm here! You're gonna be fine! Eve's here to help!" She weakly nodded and let Eve say "Tabitha, have you been on your feet all day? Stressed? Or upset?" Tabitha nodded, so Eve continued to say "I would like to get you to a room so I can check on you and the baby." Tabitha was quick to shake her head and say "...We're fine...I'll be fine in a bit..." Eve couldn't force her but said she was gonna at least check Tabitha's blood pressure. Tabitha agreed and continued to let Julian hold her, for the first time in a while she felt safe and loved. Eventually, Eve found that her blood pressure was slowly returning to normal levels, but was still slightly high. She said "You're blood pressure should stabilize itself in a bit, but you are feeling a bit feverish, so I would recommend resting off of your feet for the rest of the day. If you won't stay here for the night, then I want you to go home and actually rest. But I don't want you to be alone." Julian instantly responded, "Don't worry Eve, I'll be with her the whole time." Eve reluctantly agreed and told them that she would be by tomorrow to check on them.

When they were alone, Tabitha tried to stand by herself but each time she tried her world spun. Julian was quick to wrap one arm around her waist and capture one of her hands in his free one. She reluctantly accepted his help, but still tried to fight. "...Julian I'm fine to go home on my own..." She told him. He shook his head and told her "No, you are under doctor's orders to rest and not be alone tonight. Let me help you, please? If not to make sure you are okay, then for our baby." She thought about it but knew she was too tired and weak to get home on her own. Letting out a sigh, she said "...Alright...Fine! You can help me tonight...for the baby's sake..." He started towards the curtains, so he could work on getting them home, and told her "Thank you! You can rest and we can talk about our baby!" She was too tired to argue and just leaned her head against his shoulder. They took the back way out of the hospital to avoid being seen. Julian was very loving and gentle getting Tabitha into the car. She was having a hard time deciding whether all this caring was for her and the baby, or just the baby she was carrying.

When they pulled up to her house, Julian was quick to scoop her into his arms and carry her into the house. She argued "...Julian. I can walk! I'm fine. The baby is just fine!" He shook his head and asked: "Where do you want to rest? I'm here to help you! You are notorious for ignoring your health, but now you have to remember that you are carrying our baby." She pointed to the couch and he was quick to gently lower her onto the couch. He took a second to fix the pillows and grab a blanket from the back of the couch to lay it across Tabitha.

Passions Re-writtenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin