Chapter 33 ll They are now my favourite ship next to Levi and Evelyn.

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Zoey's POV

"Zoey, you ready to go?"

"Uhhhh, just a second."

I flip through the sheets once again. Nope, my phone's not here. I growl in contained frustration. Did it like, disappear into the thin air? I searched everywhere!

"What are you looking for?" Chris regards me with an amused smile. He is gloating over my misfortune.

"Why are you smiling? Not funny. Not funny at all." I stomp my way to him so that his face is only a mere inch away from mine.

"Not funny!" Then I pout, "Where is that damn phone!" I cry.

He leans forward, and kisses my nose. He grins, "Baby, your phone is with me."

I take a moment to comprehend his words, and when it registers on my mind, I gape at him, words fail me.


"What the hell!"

"Oh - my - god." I drawl out.

"So, you're trying to say - that I spent the last twenty minutes - searching high and low - to find my damn phone - but all the while - it's with you?"

Chris raises an eyebrow, smiling, "Yes."

"Oh god, oh god. Are you really my boyfriend? Why did you do that? Do you know how panicked I was?"

"I didn't know you were looking for it," he grins sheepishly, but there is a playful glint in his eyes that tells me that he is not guilty of this at all.

I sort of died a little seeing his face this way. Many might think I am immune to his charms after all this time, but it's a big Nah with a capital N.

I'm unsure if he is aware about his deadly charisma. He can practically kill me with one of his intense stares even though I have seen those eyes more than enough times.

My lips twitch and break into a smile. You win, Martinez, you always do with that face of yours.

"Why is it with you in the first place?"

"I messaged your mom."

"What!" I gape at him for the second time.

"I messaged her on your behalf."

"What for?"

"I told her that you'll be staying over at a friend's house for the next few days."

I frown, "What's the point?"

Now, it's Chris' turn to frown, "I don't want you and your mother to be so distant with each other."

The part of me that is particularly conscious of every little reasons to why Chris Martinez is the best boyfriend on Earth, melts. He cares about me enough to actually bother about my relationship between me and my mother.

The other part of me that is still secretly sour about the impudent phone call from just now, scowls. This topic is just annoying and redundant.

What do I say or do, in reply to that? I peer up at Chris. He's gazing down at me warily with those wide blue eyes. Oh why do I even bother about my mother when those eyes are staring at me like that?

I put a smile on my face, pushing away the urge to just tell Chris he doesn't have to care about this at all. Standing on tip-toes, I reach up to peck his cheek.

"That is really sweet of you to do that."

He smiles bashfully, "That's nothing. It upsets me when you have that look on your face at the mention of your mother. I'm doing this for myself."

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