Beginne am Anfang

MAKI: "N-Not really. I just don't have anything to say. Besides, I don't think it's necessary to get help from anyone. We've gone through a lot, and the nine of us have always found a way to get through it."

HANAYO: "Come on, Maki. You're being rude."

MAKI: "No, that's

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MAKI: "No, that's...not how I meant it! That's not what I wanted to say."

AKI: "Don't worry about it."

RIN: "I think it's great that you're going to help us out!"

AKI: "I'm looking forward to it, Rin."

RIN: "You already remembered my name? I'm elated! This is Kayo-chin, and I guess you know Maki now

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RIN: "You already remembered my name? I'm elated! This is Kayo-chin, and I guess you know Maki now."

HANAYO: "Hanayo Koizumi. Nice to meetcha."

MAKI: "Rin, you should really introduce us more formally."

RIN: *Chuckle* "Right."

AKI: "Okay, we're properly introduced now. Hanayo, Rin, Maki. It's nice to meet you!"

RIN: "Hey, do you like cats?"

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RIN: "Hey, do you like cats?"

AKI: "Cats? Yeah, I guess. Do you, Rin?"

RIN: "Yep! They're so soft and small and cute. I wanna be just like one! Nya!"

Love Live!: Perfect Dream Project [PART 1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt