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Chapter 1

As soon as the school came into view, I wanted to run away and head back home. Second thoughts drifted into my mind as I realized that I definitely did not want to skip school.

I closed my eyes and put my hands over my face. Ok, Lucy, you can do this. Just breathe in, and breathe out.

I opened my eyes and watched as friends reunited with one another, occasionally asking 'how was your summer?' or 'I missed you so much!'

I let out a shaky breath. The queasy feeling in my stomach hadn't left yet, but I knew I had to approach the school eventually.

I hesitantly stopped on the sidewalk, debating for the last time whether or not I really wanted to be here. I sighed, then headed towards campus.

Students arriving early were waiting outside of the doors, some eager to get in, and others just chatting with their friends.

As I weaved my way through the crowd, I bumped into the one person I was hoping to avoid at all costs.

Sting Eucliffe.

Great. Of course I'd bump into the boy who dumped me for some unknown reason. Frankly, it pissed me off to see he didn't seem as torn about the break up like I was.

"Oh, Lucy. Hey." Sting said awkwardly. His voice went higher, making it sound more as a question than anything else.

Instead of even bothering to greet him back, I rolled my eyes and scoffed, continuing to make my way through the crowd of students.

I suddenly felt my wrist yanked in the opposite direction of where I was going. Surprised, I quickly turned around and came face to face with someone who I wasn't very fond of.


The pink haired boy smirked. "Hey Blondie. Why are you in such a rush? School isn't open for another couple of minutes."

I rolled my eyes again and yanked my wrist away from his grip. "Back off Pinky. Unlike the majority of girls at this school, I'm one of the few that will never, fall for you. Got that?"

He chuckled. "Not yet, anyways."

I stomped off angrily, until I ran into even more trouble. Why is this happening to me?

"Heartfilia, word of advice. Stay away from Natsu, okay? He's mine." A white haired girl growled at me. Lisanna Strauss. Her electric blue eyes looked me dead in the eye. My eyes widened as they landed on her stupid posse, all of them glaring at me just like she was.

"He's all yours, Strauss. Like I'd ever get with a player. I'll leave that to you and your little fan club." I snapped back, slowly losing my patience. As I started to walk away from the white haired nuisance, I heard her laugh.

"Didn't you date Sting?"

I stopped in my tracks. I dug my heels into the ground and spun around. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Your little boyfriend--er, ex-boyfriend, is a player. You must be so stupid to not have known that," Lisanna said, looking at her nails. She glanced back up and stared at me before making a gesture to something behind me. "You want proof? Then look there. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go talk to Natsu."

I turned around and saw Sting kissing a blonde haired girl with light blue eyes, which I recognized as that Jenny girl.

I froze. Everything around me turned into nothing but meaningless mumbles of noise.

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