As if he knows what I'm thinking, Zane looks to me. "I need to understand you guys, too, you know. You're not the only ones guilty of ignoring the world."

"You never realize you're doing it until it's ripped from under your feet." I mumble, still not letting go of my brothers.

To my surprise, they both give weak laughs. Still small... but real laughs. "Got that right." Zane says.

I let go of them and put one arm around Garroth's shoulders and one around Zane's. They're both taller, so I kind of have to stand on my toes, but they don't hesitate to lean down a little so we can walk outside.



"Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find out more about that snake-eyed man." Lucinda says, right as I dare myself to meet her eyes. I'm unable to describe the relief I feel when her eyes are ruby, not emerald.

"And, from what I know, Ein's gone." Lucinda says, snapping me out of staring at her eyes, daring them to flash green.

"Good riddance." Zane growls. "I don't even want to hear his name ever again."

Now would be such a good time to slip in Princess Bride "HUMPERDINK! HUMPERDINK! HUMPERDI-INK!!!!", but...

This isn't something to joke about.

"What are we going to do?" I whisper.

"What do you mean?" Kim asks.

"I mean..." I swallow back panic just thinking about it. "Everyone back home. They'll probably ask us about what happened."

"Honestly, we should keep this to ourselves." Lucinda says quietly. "At least until we've had some time to... recover from this." She sighs. "Especially about Aaron. We can not let anyone else know he's an Ultima. Rumors are starting to spread, and it's in our best interest not to give fuel to the fire."

"I agree." Zane says. "It will also keep Aphmau's mind calm."

"Have we heard anything about Aaron?" Kim asks worriedly.

"Last I heard, he was unconscious." Lucinda tells her. "Aphmau's been waiting outside his room for an entire week, so..."

The door opens up behind us and we all turn to see Aph walking out, with deep bags under her tear-filled eyes. She no longer carries herself the giddy way she used to. Her shoulders are hunched, like she's carrying the weight of the world on her back. She looks... hopeless.

I know that look. I'd seen it every time I looked in the mirror for the past week, until Zane and Garroth snapped me out of it.

Aphmau walks over to us slowly, like in a dream.

"A-aph?" Zane asks.

"We're going home." She whispers.

"WHAT!?" We all cry.

"What about Aaron?" I demand, and instantly regret it.

"Aaron... Aaron is fine." Aph says, choking back tears. "But... he's not safe right now. So... he has to go away." A small tear slips from her eyes. "Because if they find out he's an Ultima, they'll... they'll..."

I notice, for the first time, a familiar red headband tied around her wrist. A stab of pain shoots through me as I realize where I'd seen it before.

Aph used to wear it. And then Aaron wore it in college.

"His eyes." Lucinda murmurs. She clears her throat. "I-I-I understand."

"HUH?" Garroth demands.

"Aaron's a walking time bomb." Lucinda explains. "If people found out Ultimas existed, we'd never see him again."

I hear tiny sniffles from Aph, and Zane is at her side instantly. "Aphmau!"

"I... I just want to be close to him." She cries softly.

"Sweetie..." Lucinda says sadly. "I completely understand. Especially after all of this, but... but this is the right call, okay? For both your safety and his. He needs this."

"And so do you." I whisper. She hears me all the same, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Aphmau. We'll be here with you to get through this." Zane promises.

"We'll ALL be here for you." Garroth chimes in.

"That's right!" Kim agrees.

"Me too." I pipe up.

"Guys..." Aph sniffs. "Thank you."

"You must be tired, Aph." Zane says. "Garroth, let's get the car started. You can rest on the way home, Aph."

"Thank you." She squeaks. Garroth and Zane go to the cars, starting them up and loading our luggage. I pat Aph on her shoulder, and she gives me a grateful smile, although a small one, and I hug her once before heading to the mummy and dad's car with Zane.

I turn towards the lodge just before I get inside the car, watching Aphmau and Lucinda talk. My gaze slides up to the wide window, all cleared of the dust and snow from when we arrived. When Aaron pulled the keys out before Garroth could have his moment in the light with his door. Our slumber party by the fire. When Kim was getting possessed by the ghost (who is now being hosted by Kim) and kissed Zane. Zane's radio tuning. Garroth's boob-headed-ways of trying to get us to recognize him. And Aaron's sweet determination, Garroth's stubborn courage, and Kim's loyalty to us all. Aphmau's fear for her friends, so much that she came here to warn us about a blowing-up boiler. Zane, even though he won't admit it, was worried about Garroth and I enough to come with Aphmau here, starting us all down the spiral. Aaron... he went after us. After Aphmau in particular, but he would never leave any of us behind.


We'll see him again, I remind myself. But I still find myself needing to say something. I need to say something. I struggle inside myself for a minute, needing to get this out and finally come to terms with what has happened in our lives. What will happen.

But there's really only one thing left to say.

I fix my eyes on the window, imagining a boy with sparkling black eyes, and fuzzy red-tipped ears. For a moment, I really believe I can see him.

"Good luck, Aaron Lycan." I whisper.

I get into the car and Zane starts the engine, pulling out of the lodge and driving for home.




Hope everyone liked! those who are reading it, anyway. XD

I'ma start putting out Starlight soon, for anyone who cares. Idk when. But still! I really love Violet. 

MyStreet: The Emerald Secret (OC Character Added)Where stories live. Discover now