I Will Always Love You

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The potion settles, and Aphmau's eyes fade to an emerald green. Ein turns to us. "You!" He points to Zane. "Go down to the basement entrance, in case anyone goes down there to get inside. You---" He points to Lucinda. "Go make more potions. We must be prepared. And you---" He points to me. "You stay here. Guard me with your life."

We all nod. "Yes, brother!" Zane and Lucinda run off and I position myself next to Ein and Aphmau. Ein turns to Aph.

"Go outside, and stand where Aaron will be able to see you easily. When he comes, bring him here." Ein tells her.

"Yes, my love." She stares at him with horrible devotion before turning and leaving the cabin. Ein turns to me, his glee showing easily through his stupid silver eyes.

"You will not leave my side." He commands. "Aaron might go into Ultima rage, and I'll not risk my neck."

"It will be my honor, brother!" To let him kick your butt.

"Good. Stay here for a minute. I must get my last two potions for Aaron and Aphmau." He leaves the room.

"I" stay on the ground floor, examining the room. I walk the length, tracing my fingers along pictures of Aphmau from her high school days. I recognize a few, but I see that Ein has pasted werewolf ears and tails over all of them. When will it be enough for him? What did Aaron do to him that was so horrible? He was already Omega before he was beat!

Ein comes back down holding two glass vials, and with the black mask over his face once again. "I hear him coming. We must head upstairs."

I lead the way, checking for security stuff the real me would never notice as we close the doors behind us. I hear the door open up downstairs and Aaron and Aph speaking for a moment, and then Ein opens the door and goes downstairs, beckoning me to follow him.

"Oh honey!" Aph cries when he goes in front of her. "There you are!" She runs to him and hugs him, blushing as he hugs her back. I stand right where Ein wants me to be, on the bottom step of the stairs.

But nothing will ever make me forget the pain on Aaron's face as he watches Aphmau prove her love to another man.

"Good girl..." Ein purrs. "You've done just what I asked."

"Anything for you." Aphmau giggles.

Ein turns to a silent Aaron. "You... after all these years..."

"You MONSTER!" Aaron cries. He starts to charge Ein but I feel myself step forward menacingly and Aaron stops. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER??"

Ein gives off an evil laugh. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Answer me!" Aaron commands.

But Ein doesn't. All he does is laugh. And remove his mask, watching with more glee than ever before as Aaron's eyes widen in recognition.

"YOU!" He seethes.

"Remember?" Ein whispers. "I doubt you ever forgot."

"Ein." Aaron growls.

"Take a good look at her, Aaron." Ein coos. He looks to Aph, stroking her cheek affectionately. "She's mine now."

Aaron again steps forward and I again move to intercept him. He stops, looking from me to Aphmau in furious pain. "What have you done to her? To all of them!?" Aaron demands.

"I took back what should've been mine, Aaron." Ein says. "She's my fiance. And she's almost perfect..."


"Temper now, Aaron." Ein says, not at all afraid like I would have assumed he'd be. He turns to Aphmau. "Darling... why don't you go to the bedroom and get dressed in something more... comfortable."

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