first time // everyone but

Start from the beginning

"Just tell him," Tuwaine said. "It'll be alright."

Y/N nodded slowly, hesitantly, as she debated if the boys were right.

"Just tell him," Harrison said.

"Tell who what?" Tom said, walking in with a tray of drinks and a handful of different snacks.

Everyone was silent, exchanging glances as Y/N decided on what to do. As if knowing, the three boys left the pair alone, giving them their privacy.

"What's up?" Tom said, setting the food down on her desk as he sat in next to her on her bed. 

"I- uhm.."

"Hey," Tom said. "It's just me, okay?"

Y/N nodded again, taking a deep breath before beginning. "I think I-" she paused.

Tom nodded at her reassuringly, making sure she was as comfortable as she could be. 

"I love you," she said quietly.

"Oh. I love you too," Tom replied almost immediately, but Y/N shook her head.

"No, Tom. I love you."

Tom went quiet, head tilted back slightly in realization of what she meant. As expected, he didn't return the saying. 

"Y/N," he said quietly, slightly dragging out the syllables. "You know I love you.. you're my best friend. But I don't .. love you in.. that way." He said 'that' in a slightly disgusted way, as if the mere thought of liking her back was just utterly, completely wrong. As if it were a disease that you wouldn't want to be near, or poison that would ruin everything. 

Her head hung low as tears filled her eyes. She willed herself not to cry, but she knew her body would end up betraying her eventually. She nodded weakly, knowing she was right all along

"Please, don't cry. I never want to hurt you," Tom started. "I just- you know I can't-"

"Tom, I think you should leave," she interrupted quietly. Tom went quiet again. 

In all their time as best friends, Y/N had never once felt uncomfortable around Tom; he was her safe haven. But as of right now, Y/N was suffocating. The uncomfortable feeling she got whenever something bad happened was swallowing her, forcing her to get away. And for once, she listened to herself. 


"Tom, please leave," she said, voice rising slightly. He placed a hand on her knee, as if to comfort her, but she only flinched at the touch. The reaction hurt Tom more than he thought it would, but he removed his hand, getting up from his spot on the bed and closing the door behind him. 

The next week was rough, not only for Y/N, but for everyone. She spent every second of it in her room, never stepping out of it for longer than she had to. Her bedroom was accompanied with it's own bathroom, so showering wasn't an issue. She only went to eat when she was certain Tom was out of the house. Avoiding him wouldn't be easy, but she managed. As for everyone else in the household, it was like Y/N had just disappeared. The house wasn't as lively, or as happy as it used to be with her countless jokes and delicate care.

Deep down, a part of her blamed the boys. For pushing her, for getting her hopes up. She didn't want to blame them, but a part of her always would, she thought. 

She was in the kitchen getting water when the boys, everyone but Tom, came in.

"Y/N," Harrison said.

"How're you-"

"I don't wanna talk," she interrupted Harry.

"Please, just- are you okay?"

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