Chapter 1

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AN: This is my first crack at writing. Any feedback would be very much appreciated! I think the story is pretty good, but I would love to hear thoughts on the writing! Enjoy!

"Mmm something smells good in here!" I hear my mother say as she enters the back door of the bakery.

"Yeah, Rodger stopped by this morning and asked if I could bring over some cookies to the station since the new detective starts today." I reply.
"On a Friday?" My mother questions.
"First of the month" I shrug.

"MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY!" I hear a small ball of energy barreling at me yelling. I turn around just in time to catch my 4 year old daughter Nina jumping into my arms.

"Good morning, cutie." I say with a kiss on her cheek

"Mommy! Unca said he was gonna teach me how to swim this summer!" She tells me.

"Oh he did, did he?" I asked, eyeing my mother. 

"Mitchell and Kiera had dinner with us last night and made that offer, says lessons start this weeknd" My mother shrugs.

"Well I guess I'll have a little fish by the end of the summer." I say with a quick tickle of Nina's ribs receiving a sweet giggle. I know my brother is almost as protective of her as I am so he'll be careful. I set Nina on the ground just as I hear the beep of the oven letting me know the cookies are ready. 

"Nina, hun can you go up to your playroom for now? I'll come up and get you in a little bit to go to camp!" I call after the little girl who already knows the drill. 

"Okay mommy!" She sings back

I pull the cookies out of the oven and smile to myself at the smell. Nothing is better than fresh chocolate chip cookies in my personal opinion... probably in the opinion of my jeans as well come to think of it.

"Why is there a muffin basket on the counter?" My mother asks as she puts on her apron, pulling me out of my cookie induced trance. 

"Well Rodger asked for cookies for the office since today is his new detective's first day, but I figured I'd put together a muffin basket for the guy, cause what says 'welcome to Boulder Springs' like a muffin basket? Right?" I say with a smirk "Actually I need to check on some orders for the florist could you fill the basket? I think Sherry Lynn made blueberry muffins yesterday. I'll make you a bow for the top while I'm over there."
"Sure thing hun, but watch the time. It's 7:10 and Nina needs to eat before you take her to day camp." My mom tells me.
"Okay! I'll get her some cereal before the bow!" I reply as I shoot up the stairs. 

At the top of the stairs I find my sweet 4 year old holding a city council meeting with her stuffed animals as counselors.

"Pass any new laws Mayor?" I ask

"Actually we were just talking about our need for more crayons." She looks up at me with a hopeful smile.

"Hmmm was that in the original budget for the year or will we have to rework it?" I shoot back

Looking slightly confused, but not wanting to admit she didn't know what a 'budget' was she replied with complete confidence, "We didn't know about the problem till today." 

All I could do was laugh "You're such a little weirdo, ya know that?" 

"No, I'm just practicing so one day I can be the Mayor just like Papa" she shoots back.

‘Well little mayor, can you adjourn for breakfast?" 

"Yeah.." she says slightly deflated. 

"We need to leave in about 20 minutes, but if you can be a good girl, eat up all your breakfast and use the potty before it's time to leave we can discuss the crayon crisis" I tell her as I pour a bowl of cheerios.

"Okay, mommy!!" She responds ecstatically then a small "Yesss" to herself.
I leave her at the upstairs table and head back down the stairs to make that bow. On the counter is a beautiful muffin basket, full and wrapped up just waiting for a bow on the top.
"Oh mom this looks great, whatcha think blue plaid ribbon to go with blueberry muffins?" I yell toward the back of the bakery. 

"Sounds great hun! How do you want these cookies wrapped up?" She yells back.
"On 2 plates, please? I'm gonna take some to dad's office since I'll be over there anyway" I say as I quickly tie the bow.
Just as I am attaching it to the basket, my mother comes up with 2 plates of cookies.

"Just beautiful, how did I get such talented daughters?" She asks just before she kisses me on the cheek.

"Just lucky I guess" I say with a laugh "Oh speaking of your daughters, Roger told me that Sherry Lynn probably won't be in today, I guess Erik was up all night sick so she's probably going to stay with him. She's supposed to call when she decides." 

"Oh my poor baby boy!" My mom bursts out with grandmotherly instincts.

"Yeah… I hope he's okay….. and also not contagious cause I don't wanna be up with sick kids." I say with a laugh.
My mother rolls her eyes at me.

"Okay so I am going to drop these off," gesturing to the bounty of goodies in front of me "then take Nina to day camp, then stop at Mrs. Peg's to place a lunch order. All of today's orders are ready to go, Roy should be here by 10."

"Okay hun! I'll hold down the fort here" my mom replies confidently. 

"What time is it I ask?" Trying to determine if I should open the front door.

"Almost 7:30" she replies. 

“Ooop I guess it’s time to open up! Hopefully Kiera will be here soon to help with the early morning rush!” I say as I head to the front door. 
As if saying her name caused her to appear, Kiera came hurrying to the door. 

“AHH good morning Dot! I am so so sorry I’m running late! My car wouldn’t start so I had to wait for Mitch to swing by to give me a ride.” Kiera says hurriedly as she comes through the front door. “You’d think dating a mechanic would ensure my car would start, right?”

“No problem K, I’m headed to the police station to drop off some cookies.” I reply.

I load the cookies and muffins into my SUV and head back into the bakery to grab Nina. 

“Nina honey! Time to go to camp!” I yell up the stairs. 

Nina comes bounding down the stairs with a big smile on her face. 

“Mommy I ate up all my breakfast and used the potty! So that means crayons are in the budit right?” She looks up at me with hopeful eyes.

“Did you wash your hands?” I ask. 

“Mmmm-hmmm” she says nodding her head.

“Then we can probably find crayon money in the BUD-GET” I say with a smile. “Hey, we’re going to see Uncle Roger and Papa, do you wanna pick out a flower to bring Miss Beth and Mrs. Shelly?”

“Yes! Pink Carnations!” she squeals!

“She knows what carnations are?” Kiera asks.

“Of course! She’s gonna be the best designer this shop has ever seen!” I say with glee.

With 2 pink carnations in her small hands, Nina and I head out to the car.

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