9. The First Dance

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Just as she was about to tell the herald outside the double doors that led to the ballroom to announce her, she was pushed backward by a lilac coloured bundle of cloth, stationing herself in front of her.

The woman gave her far-too layered gown an elegant swish, and Elizabeth was forced to look at a horrible mix of pink rogue and eye-blinding jewels-studded pale-white face, who looked more like a jewellery case screaming wealth than an actual human being.

She couldn't help but scrunch her nose at the poor choice of the woman's family for an ornament-displaying object.

They could've definitely opted for better, I'm sure of that.

"Oh, pardon me. I didn't notice you standing here," the excessively-jewelled porcelain doll muttered, her haughty persona clearly visible thanks to her poor acting skills.

Beautiful, raven-headed spoilt brat with a loaded father-how very classic! She thought smugly.

Chin held high, Elizabeth replied in a similar high-pitched voice, sarcasm not failing to drop from her sugar-coated words. "Its quite common to not notice people standing on corridors. Don't fret yourself, milady." And signed her words off with her trademark smile.

Her newly-formed nemesis' perfectly crafted eyebrows scrunched in distaste. Her hazel brown eyes collided with Eliza's blue ones, challenging them for a duel.

Elizabeth didn't need to be told twice. She started back. Hard.

Their battle of stares was called off due to the sudden presence of other ladies who were descending from the marble staircase. Feminine chattering and giggles of excited debutantes could be heard coming closer to them. The jewel-decked woman gave her a final nasty glare, and swiftly spun on her heels to face the double-doors leading to the ballroom.

Eliza stood there frigidly, trying to calm her irate nerves. It wouldn't do her any good to enter the ballroom fuming in anger.When she opened her eyes again, feeling the heat of the fury finally leaving her, she allowed herself to think again.

Cognizance hit her like tidal waves of the ocean crashing with the shore, making her aware of the predicament she had landed herself in.

It was hard to understand, but just...how on earth had she been able to get herself a foe in a matter of two bloody minutes?

She had hoped to have her plan carried out with as little obstruction as possible. Her aunt's arrival had made it a bit tougher, but in the end, that was the only obstacle she knew she had to face.

But it now seemed she had acquired herself another-a nameless, unpredictable, and unknown one at that.


Her newly acquired foe wasn't a nameless one, after all. Lady Isadora De Hannet, daughter of a rich Marquess from Warnia's neighbouring kingdom, had descended the short marble steps to the ballroom with grace and poise, her glittering jewels managing to draw all eyes to her petite form.

The chit had made an entrance alright. Splendidly even, much to her chagrin.

And the fact that she was next to step down didn't bode well with Elizabeth. It was now that she realised the brilliancy of the plan. Enter first, make an impression on the crowd, and have the other debutantes grovelling for attention.

First impressions mattered, and for her plan to succeed, she had needed exactly that kind of attention.

Anyways, there wasn't much she could do than carry on with the walk as well. Impressions could be made at any point of time, isn't it?

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