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‘Is that all?’ Ren asked

‘Yeah, I don’t have much’


‘Why are you so worried?’

‘How could you just decided to live with a stranger?’

‘He’s not a stranger’

‘Yeah but, you don’t really know him. What if he’s bad? What if he doesn’t treat you well’

‘Maybe I’ll get to know him. Plus, I have you. Didn’t you say you’re going to protect me?’

I laughed but Ren looks at me sadly. He’s always worried about me.

‘I will always be there for you’

‘Thank you’re my best friend. always will’

‘haha..yeah. always..’

. . .

‘So when are you moving in?’ Ren asked.


‘I’ll drop you off’

‘No it’s okay. Mr Yin is going to send a car to pick me up’

‘VIP I see’

‘What..No. Crazy..’

. . .

‘Behave, eat well and stay healthy okay?’ My mom said as she hugged me tightly.

‘Yes mom’

‘Love you’

‘Love you too’

. . .

The way to Mr Yin’s house is a quiet journey.

A man in all-black suit picked me up and during the whole way I don’t think he even spoke any words more than five.

Even Mr Yin spoke more than him. But the silence is not uncomfortable.

Though the man doesn’t speak much nor smile and looked kinda scary, but he doesn’t intimidate me at all. He somehow makes me feel safe, like, if we’re about to encounter some danger or so, I feel I would be safe.

As I was about to ask him if he’s a bodyguard or something, he shocked me by talking first.

‘We arrived’ he announced short and clear.

Sure I knew that Mr Yin is rich and I did imagined his house to be large But I didn’t imagined it to be this massive.

It’s not even a house. It’s a mansion!

It looks breathtaking and I feel like I’m in one of the scenes of some Fictions or some manga/manhwa I’ve read.

Maybe I stood like a rock for too long that even the black suit guy is talking to me again. His voice brought me back to reality.

‘Young man’

Yeah another “long sentence”.
Pssst Note the sarcasm.

‘Ah yes’ ‘I’ll take them’ I tried to take my luggage from his hands. But he insist he take it inside for me so I just followed him silently.

He picked them up and hold them as if they weigh nothing.

And by the door, Mr Yin stood tall and beautiful.

I need a moment to just stare at him a take a breath.

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