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‘I wonder…’

‘Oh no, Do not make that face’

‘What face did I make?’

‘You’re smiling!’

‘Can’t I smile?’

‘War. You know what I’m talking about’

My friend Ren, looks at me with his sad eyes.

‘I know. Don’t worry’

Ren is my best friend. We’ve been friends since the time we moved to this place.

We were 6years old. I was a quiet kid and bad at making friends. Ren was the first person to talk to me and befriended me. Since then, we were inseparable. We went to the same school and even got accepted to the same University. But since we didn’t belong to the same department we couldn’t hang out in the Uni as much as we did in High School. I never really make much friends, I didn’t really think I needed anyone, except for Ren.

But Ren is very unhappy with me right now, as he’s helping me packing my things up.

There’s this guy I met. He’s a few years older than me. He’s the CEO of one of the big company.

Well you see..I don’t belong to a rich family unlike him. Heck I don’t even belong to a decent family. My dad died when I was at a very young age. My mom decided to take me and move to this place hoping to find some jobs and to send me to good schools.

My mom started a small restaurant. And I would help her only as a part timer due to studies.

And about the guy that I have talked about earlier…


I was late to our University Event and crashed into someone.

The first time I saw him was the first time a man took my breath away.

He was breathtaking with his smart and neat suit, hair slicked back, so tall, so handsome.

I later saw that he attend our Event as a Chief Guest. And I heard that he’s the son of our University’s Director. What a rich family. Silver spooned..he’ll never understand my life.

After that, I have seen him multiple times as he had some ongoing work in our University.

He always looks so dazzling . But I have never seen him smile. And he seemed to be a man with few words.

One evening, as I was about to go home, it suddenly rained heavily. I ran home as fast as I could. But then, I saw a man sitting on the floor, beside my home.

He was all wet, and he held his head as he bowed down. As I get near, I saw that he was trembling, so I approached him. I pat his head and that startled him.

As he looked up, I am more startled.

It was him!

I ushered him inside our house . I offered him a towel but didn’t have any clothes for him to change into.

I made him Ramen to warm him up. But he didn’t speak a single word the whole time.

I stared at him with lots of questions inside my head, but I didn’t dare to ask.

I guess he felt my stare. He looked at me as he finished his food.

‘It taste good’


‘The food. It taste good’

‘Oh. Thank you. Glad you like it’

‘I’ve never had it before’

‘Ramen? You’ve never had Ramen before?’ I asked, surprised.

‘Yes’ he answered me simply.

How can one not have tasted Ramen in this century?

‘Thank You, I’ll take my leave now’ he said as he made a move to leave.

But as soon as he stood up, the lightning strikes again.

He flinched and I was so quick to move towards him closed his ears with my hands.

My actions surprised both of us. Our faces were only a few inches apart. I wanted to move away, but I can’t.

What surprised me was he didn’t move away either.

My eyes were locked on his.

His deep and brown orbs absorbs me in.

Even though I didn’t actually know this person at all.

I’m already bewitched by him...

I'm trapped.

× × ×

There might be some spelling and grammatical mistakes. I'm sorry.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.

Have a good day 💕

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