Another Me?

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"Ughhhhhh why was class so hard to day!"

A blond boy with a black stripe in his hair complained. He was walking to the market district nearby to find something to eat, along with the rest of his class. The district being a bit quiet because it was a work day and most kids were still in class. A green haired girl caught up to him to try and put a end to his complaining.

"It wasn't that bad Kero." A red hair boy looked at her in complete shock then answered, "You can swim 1 mile perfectly, even without your quirk!"

"Yeah Kirishima, it was pretty hard..." Izuku stated in agreement. Izuku hated swimming, even with his quirk.

They had just finished getting all their Pro visional hero licensce, which was nice to know when they were going out. Class 1-A just got back from a difficult "surprise training excerise" by their sensei, Aizawa. They had to run 2 miles, swim a 1 mile lap, then train with each other. They were extremely tired and just wanted to sleep, but were extremely hungry. They were looking around for a good resturant or cafe to eat at. Todoroki offering to pay stating, "Order as much as you like. Im trying to reach a new highscore in how fast I can max my dad's credit card."

Eventually they settled on a small cafe called, C&C, also known as Coffee and Cats. They were glad that when they walked in, they weren't covered in flashing cameras and people asking for autographs, among other things. Ever since their class has been attacked during Training Camp and USJ, their name is all over the media. One way or another.

They sat down and began ordering their food. 

"Did you guys hear?" Iida asks the table while we were waiting for our food.

"Hear about what?" Mina asked in confusion.

"Mineta and another student from Class 1-B will be switching spots. Aizawa-sensei told me earlier. We must treat the new student with as much respect as posible!" Iida states while doing his weird hand and arm jestures.

"I feel bad for Class 1-B! They got Mineta." Jirou claims, in complete happiness that the gremlin is finally gone, but saddness to whoever has to deal with him now.

"Tsk, the little bastard deserves it. He shouldn't even be a hero." Bakugou states drinking his soda.

"Eh. No need to be mean Kacchan!" Izuku states trying to be nice, afterall he knew Mineta was a bit of a.... perv, but he was still a classmate.

"SHUT UP DEKU" Bakugou yells at Izuku, Todoroki putting a stop to it. Sighing, Izuku faces the large window that was next to him on his right side. 

Thank god Todoroki stopped Bakugo, before it got worse. Izuku thought as he looked out the window, only to see a green hair person being mugged by 5 men with mutant quirks out in a far alleyway. "GUYS LOOK!" he point towards the mugging, Izuku get up and start rushing out, everyone else following him out.

The person is waring a odd looking suit, along with a....blindfold? (He looks like the picture! The picture doesnt beling to be btw) The person looked weirdly calm. They were still running, the Alleyway and street was far from the cafe, Iida saying "We have to make sure we know the situation. We should wait and alert heros, then we can act." He got out his phone can texted Aizawa. 

What they saw next made them stop dead in their tracks.

"Kid we will tell you one more time, hand over your crap, or else, we take it from your dead body." A shark man asked. His Villain name being Fang.

"Why? I suggest you stop."

"This godamn moron." Stated the tiger-man who looked pissed. "Why? Because of this-" The man throws a punch but the kid stopped. 

"You shouldn't do that."  SNAP They heard a silence breaking sound, the sound of his wrist and hand breaking. The kid drops his hand and looks at Fang. Even though he was staring at him with a blindfold, it felt like he was staring daggers. "I warned you. Yaginuma Soshu, Imada Haruko, Ritsushima Yasuhide, Hayashi Genjo, and Naru Shigekazu" The person reciting all 5 mens name perfectly. All of a sudden chains wrapped around them, knives and hooks on the edge of them. The chains came from inside the suit. Their standing shock was short lived, as the person jumped, kicked Fang in the face. Then procedded to dodge and beat them to submission.

After all the men were knocked out, the chains were retreated. The person turned and faced the class. How did he know they were coming? He was blindfolded. Izuku looked shocked, all he can mutter...was...



Hoped you like this chapter! Leave a Vote and Follow me for more! This was made during April, but was never released, but then i decided to finally release it. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more! Check out my other stories! <3


Word Count: 850

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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