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  Hello to whoever finds this. 

Whoever you are. 

Whoever isnt...dead 


  I hope I no longer exist in this world. I hope....I hope that whoever finds this, there are still people alive. Sometime I wonder why I am even here?-breathes heavily- of course not those...people. Life has truly gone dull. Life is nothing more than a game with no end and no beginning. If I am in fact in a game...Im not playing by the rules. And those who know me...know for a fact I never will.Never have.

 Due to my quirk....my training.... I have only felt pain my entire life. Now I have inflicted the same thing to them. I have caused pain. Death. Fear. Things I can no longer feel. Things I can no longer see around me. All because of...them.... They did this to me.

  Due to my.....quirk...my curse. The knowledge I hold. The training I have been taught.....I can cause the deaths of near millions. I of course -cough- have caused the unfortutane of those who wronged me. I have caused wars between friends and foes. I have caused  fear in the most powerful of people, people who controlled the corupt systems. If only THEY haven't taken....my father away....Just.... Maybe.....maybe things -sigh- would have been different...

 Life now has gotten dull.. I can easily...eliminate the people who would ever want to hurt me....but its rather annoying....People who want me 


To join them.


  It has gotten...rather boring here now. The fun of those who wronged me, the people I have cast my sweet sweet revenge on them, have paid the price. Maybe, if I go somewhere.....Somewhere..Different.  Somewhere, where I am free. Somewhere, where I can get revenge, even more. Somewhere, I can help people. People who actually need help...

  Haha...Im only 16...Who knew...A 16 year old can change the world so much. Even if I die now. Even if I die after using this device. Then maybe. Maybe. Once Im done.


Maybe things can go back to normal.

Maybe I can finally be happy with them.


Anyways. I suppose this is my goodbye...Im sorry I failed you...






 Everyone I couldn't save...

This is my Goodbye.





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