Chapter 22: Dance of the Kraken

Start from the beginning

"Ah...ok. I understand."

"Yes, hunger or satiety was also one of these measures. It was thought that if people got hungry in the virtual world, they would be reminded of the real world as well."

"But why would people be reminded of the real world when they get hungry in the virtual world? They can eat in the virtual world anyway right?" Swamy asked.

"Ah now that is one of the mysteries isn't it. But it does. Studies show that after introducing this hunger or satiety, the number of people who started caring about their real world needs actually increased. Looking at this, virtual reality developers also put in 'tiredness'. The fact that virtual worlds have a day and night system is also to remind you of the real world. So when the local population in the game sleeps, you can log out. Remind you, it did not eliminate all problems but it did reduce them immensely. Did you know that the Long Island capsule will automatically log you out after 24 hours of continuous play? Or if you fall asleep for more than 4 hours in the game? It does allow you to immediately log back in though."

Swamy nodded. He did not know that.

"You see Mr. Swamy, the reason I tell this is to remind you that it is in your best interest to pay attention to the real world also. You may think you want to stay all the time in the game in the anticipation of something. But it will be more harmful than useful."

"I understand sir. I will take care."

"Alright. Now I have no need to tell you that even though there is no attendance requirement for the courses, if you miss your coursework it will affect you adversely."

"Yes professor."

"Good. However the department is responsible if you indulge in continued absences. So here is the deal. You will submit in a short video of your activities of each day in the game, only for the days you do not attend college. You may edit it if it contains information you do not wish to divulge. Please understand that the department reserves the right to notify close relatives or try to check up on you if you continue missing classes or if you fail to submit the video."

"Thank you professor. I understand. Thank you for your consideration."

"Its ok. Remember to take care of yourself. Do you live with someone?"

"No sir, but my Aunt lives next door and she usually checks up on me."

"That's good. Oh you will need to fill up this form here, just your current address, etc. Oh by the way, what is your in game name?"

"Is that necessary?"

"No. Its just that if we ever meet in the game, I will know its you. My game name is Souzan."

"Oh...ah my name would be Raka." Not that there was any point hiding it. The videos would reveal his name anyway.

"Hm...wait. That Raka? The disciple of Lady Altia Raka? the first one to leave the village on Ilmentia Island?"

"Um, I don't know about being the first to leave the village but yes I am that Raka. Did you start in Ilmentia too?"

"Ah no. I started in Khardoum. But you know the forums were ablaze with your name at one time. Nice to meet a celebrity."

Swamy simply made a face.

Swamy now had a free pass. He did understand the point Prof. D'souza was trying to make though. So he set up a schedule for all his activities. A break for 10~15 minutes every 4 hours. And then sleep for atleast 5 hours. Any less and he would start suffering those symptoms again. He would synchronize it with the game time.

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