"How did it even happen?" Beth asked, and I shrugged.

"Through traumatic or dangerous situations, I guess. I kept them a secret from everyone, including you, because I didn't know why I had them. I thought if people knew, I'd be a target. I was scared someone would kill me, or experiment on me. I just wanted to be normal. I'm sorry for not telling you." I explained to them, and they nodded.

"We understand. Go on." Savannah reassured me, making me smile slightly.

"I got recruited for the Avengers the morning after my birthday. After you girls left, I went to pick up my car and get a coffee. A man was there, and he said he knew about my ability. He handed me a file that contained information about the other Avengers, and the problem they were about to face. He said he needed my help."

"How did he even know if you never told anyone?" Georgia asked, and I shrugged.

"I still don't know. That man is an anomaly. I know nothing about him." I told them, making them chuckle.

Half out of curiousity, half out of humour.

"I met the Avengers later that day. That's when everything kicked off. That's why I couldn't find the time to tell you, it all happened so fast." I said, and Tony nodded.

"Wow. You haven't even had a chance to breathe." Savannah said, leaning back in the couch.

"I know."

"So then you just left town?" Beth asked, and I shrugged.

"Yeah. That's the reason why I had to leave town so suddenly. Everything just picked up. The situation became critical so quickly, we needed to stop it before people died." I explained, and the girls looked like they understood.

"Alright well that's that. So what about you and Tony? When did this happen?" Georgia wiggled her eyebrows, looking between the two of us.

"We were forced to room together. People had to double up, Tony and I ended up sharing a bed together." I told them, making them giggle.

"So you-"

"We didn't have sex." Tony cut Savannah off, looking at me.

"We just hooked up." He said, grinning at me, making me hit his shoulder.


"I knew it!" Savannah squealed, nudging Georgia.

"Goddamn it." Georgia said, handing Savannah $10.

"What's that about?" I asked, and they looked at me sheepishly.

"When you texted us saying you were with the Avengers, Savannah and Georgia made a bet." Beth said, making Tony and I look at her in confusion.

"Savannah bet you and Tony would hook up. Georgia thought you and Steve would." She explained, making Tony laugh.

"You guys suck." I said, but smiled at them lovingly,

"Thankyou for being so cool about everything. It's a lot to take in, I know. Take all the time you need." I said, and the girls looked speechless about it all, but otherwise okay.

"Well what about Danny? Has he contacted you since you threatened to kill him?" Beth asked, and I looked over at Tony, who was already looking at me.

"Oh my god, you killed him didn't you?" Georgia asked, standing up, and I looked at her bewildered.

"Of course I fucking didn't, you psychopath." I said, and Tony shrugged.

"I would've thought."

"We just scared him off, is all."

Make Me. ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now