Chapter 10: Someone Else

Start from the beginning

((Flash back))

"Why can't you just forgive me?! What the fuck do you want from me? To beg? To say your life's not worthless and you shouldn't kill yourself!? Can't you realize I was pissed off at that time and yelled at I'm doing now" I whispered the last part.

"S-sorry" I now look at him. We were outside, at the park. I followed him again. He sat there and I confronted him. I looked at him and his emotionless face yet his eyes were red. His eyes teared up and he didn't even notice. He touched his cheeks feeling the wetness of his newly made tears.

"Just...don't. Stop trying. You're bound to give up on me and leave me or hurt me. Spare me the pain and just stop trying to apologize" he said coldly but I could feel how hurt he was. WHY DO I KEEP MESSING UP!!!

He left and after that he kept hanging out with shinso more. I practically made them be with each other yet I'm complaining. I basically orchestrated this whole shit yet I was the one that wanted him. I soon realized this.

((End of flashback))

The plane landed and everyone stood up and stretched. Everyone was exhausted and jetlag hit. It was already night time. In japan it's probably noon. Everyone was escourted in cars. 5 people were each in cars. We all arrive and we headed to the hotels that apparantly was owned by Endeavor.

He also had a bar called "The Burning Passion" and we all went to our rooms. All of us were had our separate rooms. Momo asked everyone to go to her room to have a slumber party since the rest of the day was dedicated to our jet lags and rest.

We agreed out of our will since they'd literally pull you there. Only 1-A was there since 1-B had a different schedule yet some how some were here.

We were all having fun but I kept glancing at Todoroki and Shinso. Why are they still together? A voice was heard by mina calling everyone's attention. "EVERYONE! Let's play a game. I'm bored and let's play truth or dare since we don't have a single clue who everyone is" she made a valid point so we made a circle around and she took her now emptied bottle of coke that she chugged.

"Kay everyone I'll go first. Who ever this lands on will answer either truth or dare. After they pick and do whatever is asked that person will spin the bottle and do the same to the person that was picked by the bottle.

I was sitting with Todoroki since I wanted to, by removing that dunce faced bastard. He kept talking to shinso and they were talking with so much formalitites.

I overheard them "So, who are you talking to? You kept looking through your phone"

"I have a friend I made through the internet. I plan on visiting him on the following days since he lives in paris." Said the two toned haired male.

"Oh, so does he know what you look like" asked the sleep deprived home wrecker.

"I plan on surprising him. He promised that he won't spill any secrets of mine. We're good friends after all. Also, he keeps bugging me to come here since he only knows i'm japanese and wealthy" said the rich boi.

"Wait so that means you can speak his language, correct?" Asked the home wrecker.

"Yes. I met him by him messaging me so I tried to learn his language."

" many have you learned so far?"

"....wait" he then whispered out each language to himself and I could hear him.

"So...English, Mandarin, Tagalog.., French, Italian, Japanese, Hindi, Spanish and...what's the last one.. oh" he then made his voice more audible to the home wrecker and said "so about...9 Languages.." and shinso was taken back.

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