The end

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Lola's point of view

I ran to the backdoor then ran out. I didn't stop running. I came across a shack. I ran inside and started looking around. I tuned the corner and that's when I saw Ethans dead body. Oh my god. I looked around more then saw the tools that Ethan had in the woods. The hammer. I picked it up then ran back into the woods. I heard someone running around. "Just come the fuck out" Caleb yelled. Once he walked past the tree I was hiding behind I jumped out then swung the hammer. It hit him in the side. He punched me then threw me to the ground. He held the knife right up to my neck and said "goodbye Lola" I grabbed the hammer then swung it with my eyes closed. I heard a crack then opened my eyes. Caleb fell off me then I stood up. "You killed my mom and dad. You killed the man I liked. You killed my friends. You killed innocent people so fuck you you nasty ass goddamn crazy pig" I screamed when slamming the hammer onto his head over and over again.

Before I knew it his scull was caved in. "Lola" I head Zoe say from behind me. But I kept hitting him. "Fuck you" I screamed. "Lola's he's dead" Zoe yelled. "He wanted blood but so did I" I said then dropped the hammer. We walked back to the house where Will and Logan were sitting on the ground. They were both bleeding like crazy. When Caleb threw Zoe out the house she saw me running into the woods then she heard the big crack and me screaming. She knew I had killed him. Logan ended up waking up then he punched Will and he woke up. I helped Logan up and Zoe helped Will. We walked to the car but the tiers were slashed and the car was on fire. Logan grabbed my hand and we began walking down the dirt road.

We finally got to the road and we signaled for a car to stop. A man in a blue flannel and Jeans got out. "You kids again" the man said. "Dennis" Logan said. "What happended" he asked. We told him everything then he said "So is this supposed to be part two of the first story". "I guess so" I said. "Yeah last tine was Dead night this is deadlier night" Zoe said. Dennis called 911 and 5 minutes later the police and the ambulance from last tine showed up. We told them everything. The found Calebs body in the woods and Ethans in the shack.

"The police said the house is getting torn down next month" Dennis said as the 4 of us got into the ambulance. "Thank you for helping us again" Will said. "No problem you kids be safe and try not to get stalked again" he said. The door to the ambulance shut and we began driving. We all stayed in the hospital for a week. After that we were expected to live life like normal again. It's been a month since everything happened. We graduated today. Logan and I are laying in my bed. "I can't believe after everything we finally graduated" he said."and we both only managed to get 2 bodies" I said. "You have 3" Logan said. "No I didn't sleep with Zach"
I said. "Thank fucking god" he yelled. Okay ? "We really can go wherever we want" He said."I'm happy I can't wait to leave this town" I said. "Our life together starts now" he said then kissed me. "I love you lola" he said. I love you too Logan" I said. He kissed me again and we went back to watching our show.

Zoe's point of view

We graduated today. Afterwards the 4 of us went to sonic. Lola and Logan had sex in the back of the gym right before we graduated. But they obviously wanted to do it again so Will and I decided to fuck off. Will and I were in my room talking. "I'm happy high school is over" he said. "Me too I thought it would never end" I said. We looked at each other then he kissed me. I pulled away "I want you now" I said. He smiled. "I want you now too Zoe" . We kissed again then I got on top of him. He took off my dress then I took off his shirt. Before I knew it were were naked. He went in slowly. This shit hurts I don't see how how Lola does it. He went in and out then soon it felt better. After some time we were down. "How was it" he asked. "So good" I said. "I love you Zoe" he said. "I love you too. I said then kissed him softly.

Lola's point of view

After watching the people I love die. After loosing my parents. After being stalked. After almost dying twice. After all that shit I lived. All 4 of us lived and now we're happy. Will and I are going to college in Florida and Zoe is going to NYU. Logan is going to live is best life in Ohio and everything will be fine. Last I heard the house was torn down. Both our stalkers are gone.Life was finally good and normal again.

The 4 of us are at my house watching scream ironically when suddenly all of our phones beeped.

"See you next time" - piggy

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" we all said at the same time.


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