Take me home

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I walked into the woods. After about 20 minutes I stopped. I sat down and just sighed. I took another sip of drink. Just then I heard something moving around. I stood up quickly and looked around. I didn't see anyone. Then I heard leaves cracking. My heart started pounding. Then I saw it. I saw him. Piggy.

Logan's POV
This is so fucking stupid. I mean if she wanted to skip fine but why with him. Maybe it wasn't planned but still. I see the way he looks at her he wants to fuck her. I know he does. You don't look at friends that way. I mean granted I used to look at her that way but that's not the point I've always wanted her. I'm just pissed at her right now. I walked for like 20 minutes when suddenly I heard someone. I looked around and I started to get nervous. But I calmed down when I saw Danielle walking towards me. "Hey I wanted to make sure you were okay" she said. "Yeah I'm fine" I said. "Good" she said with a smile. We both sat down and began talking. "Can I ask you something" she asked. "Yeah" I replied. "I keep hearing about the surviving four and I wanna know what y'all survived" she said. So I told her. From start to finish. I told her about the deaths, about how I used to date Zoe, and about how I always wanted Lola. After I told her she looked shocked "I had no idea it was that serious". "Yeah" I said. "So you've always loved Lola" she asked. "We don't say I love you" I said. "Why" she asked. "I don't know we just don't" I said. "That's too bad" she said then put her hand on mine. Before I could say anything she kissed me. As soon as my brain realized what was going on I pushed her off. But it was too late. Lola and Zach had already saw. Shit.

Lola's point of view

Piggy was standing a few feet in front me. I couldn't move. I turned around and began running as fast as I could then I ran right into someone and I fell to the ground. "No please" I yelled. "Lola it's just me" I heard Zach say. I looked up at him and he helped me up. "Oh my god" I said then hugged him. I hadn't realized I was crying but I was. "What happened" Zach asked. "We have to go he's coming" I said. "What are you talking about" he asked. "I I I saw him" I stuttered. "No ones here" he said. "Let's get out these woods okay" he said then took my hand. We began walking and that's when we stumbled across my boyfriend and Danielle kissing. I watched in horror as Logan's eyes met mine. "It's not what it looks like" Logan said. I couldn't find the words to say so I just looked at him. "Wait why do you look like you've been crying" Logan asked. "I found her in the woods running and screaming maybe if you wouldn't have been making out with my sister you would have noticed" Zach snapped. "Listen to me you prick Danielle kissed me and I didn't kiss her back" Logan snapped. "Baby I didn't kiss her I pushed her away as soon as she did it" Logan said to me. "Can you take me home" I said while looking at Zach. He shook his head yes and we began walking out the woods again. Once we were back at the lake Zach and I walked to his car. "Lola" Logan said. But I didn't care. I got in the car with Zach and we drove away.

He brought me back to my house. "I'm really sorry about tonight" Zach said. "It's fine" I said. "Will you stay with me tonight" I said while holding his hand. "Yeah". He said. Logan kept calling but I ignored him. I showered then laid down next to Zach. I ended up telling him all about that night. I told him about Mr. smith, me and will, the deaths, and everything with Logan. "Damn so you've really been through it" he said. "You can say that again" I said. "Is that why you were running through the woods" he asked. "Yeah I'm still scared"
I said. "Look I know I didn't go through that with you and I know we haven't known each other long but I will protect you" he said. We talked for a little while longer then I drifted to sleep.

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