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Holy shit. No this isn't real he's dead. Sir I need air wait no. I need to puke. I ran upstairs then boom. Written in blood on the mirror was "I'm back". No no no. I need a cold shower. I grabbed the shower curtain to see a bloody body laying in the tub. I screamed. I just kept screaming. People ran upstairs only to see what I saw. That's all I remember. I blacked out. Maybe from fear or maybe from the alcohol. The next morning I woke up to my mom putting a warm rag on my head. I sat straight up and my mom said "relax it's just me" she said. "What time is it" I asked. "6:30 I'm about to leave for work" she said. "Okay" I said. "You can say home today" she said while walking out the room. Logan, Zoe, and Will also stayed home. After I showered they cane over. We all sat in silence. "It's happening again" I said. "No it's not last night was just" Will started to say. "A weird what" Logan said. "He texted me I think" I said then held my phone up. "Who the hell could it be everyone died that night" Zoe said. "Not his accomplice" I said. We all looked each other but said nothing. Just as I was about to speak Will's phone beeped.

"It sure is starting again and this time none of you pathetic assholes are getting out alive" - piggy


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