the broken chair

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Five years ago, when I last visited the shop, it didn't look like it did now. It didn't have the fancy lights, nor did it have the cushioned seats. The air conditioner was non existent. Then, it was a shop of bare minimum. Plastic tables, plastic chairs. I don't remember how many tables were there, but I do remember us occupying the corner one. He would come in the bicycle, park it against the pole, and with smile etched on his face, he would come and sit in front of me. The table we always sat was a four seater. And I really wanted him to sit beside me. And I felt, what I now know people call as "friendzoned". Back then, I was hurt. Not exactly on an emotional level. Feelings existed but not more than my ego, which got hurt by his apparent seat position.

I decided to taper off whatever I had with him. I wanted to that more so my way. So I initiated the breakup of our "association". It was short for me, a little longer for me. He kept visiting my hostel, left missed calls and blank text for a few more days and until it stopped.
Atleast it was on my terms.


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