Chapter Twenty

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"Is that... you, Felix?" I ask.

"Obviously," he answers. There's a long silence on the other end of the line.

Ok. Calm down. He called my house. That's a good thing, nothing to freak out about. It's impossible to embarrass myself any more than I already have.

"You left your phone in the dressing room last night," he says. "And your guitar. We're only flying out at noon, so I'll bring them over to you."

What? WHAT?

"How did you get my number?" It sounds more suspicious than I intended it to.

"I'm calling from your phone. I just selected home in the contacts," he replies.

Oh. My. God. Maybe I never actually woke up this morning.

"Are you still there?" He asks, irritation creeping into his voice.

"Yes! I... are you sure it's ok?" I ask. "You don't mind coming here?"

"It's fine," he says. "What's your address?"

"10 Aspen Terrace," I answer in a daze. "The double story with the white roses in front."

"Ok. I'll be there soon," he says.

After he hangs up I just sit and stare at the phone.

Then it dawns on me that I don't actually know where he's coming from, so he could arrive in just a few minutes.

I run into the kitchen and tell my parents I'll be late for breakfast, before dashing upstairs to the bathroom at superhuman speed.

After I'm out the shower I blow dry my hair, something I never do... but today calls for it.

Once I'm happy with my hair I scour my wardrobe for the perfect outfit. I need to look nice, but not as if I've made a huge effort.

I know he'll just give me my stuff then leave, and he might not even come into the house.

I'll see him for like a minute tops if I'm lucky. But still. I'm going to make that minute count.

Eventually I settle on my trusty jeans, ballet pumps and a seafoam green halter-top.

I finish off the look with a good lashing of mascara and some tinted lip gloss. If Jamie were here she'd insist I wear some eye shadow, maybe a dress and cute wedges...

Jamie! Oh my god Jamie and Zee and Grace!

I totally forgot about them. If I call them now, they might make it in time. It's probably the only chance any of them will get to meet one of the Fable guys. Even if Felix is cold and blunt and infuriatingly rude. Jamie has a huge crush on him, and I know Grace sort of has a thing for him too. Along with every other girl on the planet. I can't let them miss this.

I run downstairs to get the landline phone. At the foot of the staircase, I stop dead in my tracks.

There are voices coming from the living room. First my mom, saying something about how much she loves London, then... Felix.

Oh no. He must have arrived while I was in the shower.

I take a deep breath and walk into the room as casually as possible.

Felix is sitting in the middle of the sofa while my parents sit in the armchairs opposite.

He's dressed down in a black v-neck tee and jeans, but he's just as breathtaking as he was last night. So beautiful.

Felix Lockhart is the world's biggest jerk, don't forget that. 

Right now, he looks totally out of place. He belongs in a music video, in the movies, on a poster... not in my lounge chatting to my parents.

FABLEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora